SAWS Material

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This file contains the class definition for SAWSMaterial. SAWSMaterial provides the implementation of a one-dimensional hysteretic model develeped as part of the CUREe Caltech wood frame project.

uniaxialMaterial SAWS $tag $F0 $FI $DU $S0 $R1 $R2 $R3 $R4 $alph $beta

$matTag integer tag identifying material
$F0 Intercept strength of the shear wall spring element for the asymtotic line to the envelope curve F0 > FI > 0
$FI Intercept strength of the spring element for the pinching branch of the hysteretic

curve. (FI > 0).

$DU Spring element displacement at ultimate load. (DU > 0).
$S0 Initial stiffness of the shear wall spring element (S0 > 0).
$R1 Stiffness ratio of the asymptotic line to the spring element envelope curve. The

slope of this line is R1 S0. (0 < R1 < 1.0).

$R2 Stiffness ratio of the descending branch of the spring element envelope curve. The

slope of this line is R2 S0. ( R2 < 0).

$R3 Stiffness ratio of the unloading branch off the spring element envelope curve. The

slope of this line is R3 S0. ( R3 1).

$R4 Stiffness ratio of the pinching branch for the spring element. The slope of this line

is R4 S0. ( R4 > 0).

$alpha Stiffness degradation parameter for the shear wall spring element. (ALPHA > 0).
$beta Stiffness degradation parameter for the spring element. (BETA > 0).


Refer to the figure below for more information, and the reference provided at the end of this page for complete details about modeling assumptions.

Example Files:

Click to download files



Example: Hysteresis


Reference: Folz, B. and Filiatrault, A. (2001). "SAWS - Version 1.0, A Computer Program for the Seismic Analysis of Woodframe Structures", Structural Systems Research Project Report No. SSRP-2001/09, Dept. of Structural Engineering, UCSD, La Jolla, CA .

Code Developed by: Patxi Uriz, Exponent (Converted from FORTRAN code originally written by Bryan Folz)