Pattern Command

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The pattern command is used to construct a LoadPattern and add it to the Domain. Each LoadPattern in OpenSees has a TimeSeries associated with it. In addition it may contain ElementLoads, NodalLoads and SinglePointConstraints. Some of these SinglePoint constraints may be associated with GroundMotions.

<uml> abstract class ElementLoad abstract class TimeSeries LoadPattern o- "one" TimeSeries LoadPattern o- ElementLoad LoadPattern o- NodalLoad LoadPattern o- SP_Constraint </uml>

The command has the following form:

pattern patternType? arg1? ...

The type of pattern created and the additional arguments required depends on the patternType? provided in the command. The following contain information about patternType? and the additional args required for each of the available pattern types:

  1. Plain Pattern
  2. Uniform Excitation Pattern
  3. Multi-Support Excitation Pattern
  4. DRM Load Pattern