Fixed Number of Iterations

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This command is used to construct a test that performs a fixed number of iterations without testing for convergence. This test is useful for hybrid simulation where the residual error is corrected for. It can only be used in combination with certain implicit integration methods that are specialized for hybrid simulation (such as NewmarkHSFixedNumIter, HHTHSFixedNumIter, CollocationHSFixedNumIter).

test FixedNumIter $iter <$pFlag> <$nType>

$iter the max number of iterations to perform
$pFlag optional print flag, default is 0. valid options:
0 print nothing
1 print information on energy norm each time test() is invoked
2 print information on energy norm and number of iterations at end of successful test
4 at each step it will print the energy norm and also the <math>\Delta U</math> and <math>R(U)</math> vectors.
$nType optional type of norm, default is 2. (0 = max-norm, 1 = 1-norm, 2 = 2-norm, ...)

Code Developed by: Andreas Schellenberg, University of California, Berkeley.