Fiber Section for Sensitivity

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This command is used to construct a SectionAggregator object which groups previously-defined UniaxialMaterial objects into a single section force-deformation model.
section Aggregator $secTag $matTag1 $string1 $matTag2 $string2 …… <-section $sectionTag>

$secTag unique section object integer tag.
$matTag1, $matTag2 … previously-defined UniaxialMaterial Objects.
$string1, $string2 … force-deformation relations corresponding to each section object. One of the following strings can be used.
P axial force-deformation.
Mz moment-curvature about section local z axis.
Vy shear force-deformation along section local y-axis.
My moment-curvature about section local y axis.
Vz shear force-deformation along section local z-axis.
T torsion force-deformation.
$Iy second moment of area about the local y-axis (optional, used for 3-D analysis).
<-section $sectionTag> specifies a previously defined Section object (identified by the argument $sectionTag) to which these UniaxialMaterial objects are added to define a new Section object.

The ‘section Aggregator’ command does not introduce additional sensitivity parameters. However, sensitivity parameters can be defined for each force-deformation relation used in the section aggragator.