SensitivityIntegrator Command

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For static analysis, the only option currently available is the following, which must be defined before the ‘analysis’ command.
sensitivityIntegrator -static
For the dynamic case, currently only the Newmark algorithm is available. Two command need to be used together:
integrator NewmarkWithSensitivity $gamma $beta

$gamma Newmark parameter gamma.
$beta Newmark parameter beta.
sensitivityIntegrator -definedAbove
Currently, ‘-definedAbove’ is the only option available in OpenSees. This means that the same integration scheme (i.e.,
‘NewmarkWithSensitivity’) is used to perform both response and response sensitivity analysis.

Haukaas T., Der Kiureghian A. (2004). “Finite element reliability and sensitivity methods for performance-based earthquake
engineering.” Report No. 2003/14, Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, April 2004.
Haukaas T., Der Kiureghian A. (2005). “Parameter sensitivity and importance measures in nonlinear finite element reliability
analysis.” Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), 131(10):1013-1026.