Joint2D Element

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This command is used to construct a two-dimensional beam-column-joint element object. The two dimensional beam-column joint is idealized as a parallelogram shaped shear panel with adjacent elements connected to its med-points. The midpoints of the parallelogram are referred to as external nodes. These nodes are the only analysis components that connect the joint element to the surrounding structure.

element Joint2D $eleTag $Nd1 $Nd2 $Nd3 $Nd4 $NdC <$Mat1 $Mat2 $Mat3 $Mat4> $MatC $LrgDspTag

$eleTag unique element object tag
$Nd1 $Nd2 $Nd3 $Nd4 integer tags indicating four external nodes where the joint element is connected to the adjoining beam-column element
$NdC integer tags indicating the central node of beam-column joint (the tag is used to generate the internal node, thus, the node should not exist in the domain)
$Mat1 uniaxial material tag for rotational spring at node 1 (optional)
$Mat2 uniaxial material tag for rotational spring at node 2 (optional)
$Mat3 uniaxial material tag for rotational spring at node 3 (optional)
$Mat4 uniaxial material tag for rotational spring at node 4 (optional)
$MatC uniaxial material tag for rotational spring of the central node
$LrgDspTag tag for the large deformation condition:
0 - for small deformations and constant geometry
1 - for large deformations and time varying geometry
2 - for large deformations ,time varying geometry and length correction


  1. The nodes must be located such that the main chords bisect. The node tags shall be entered in a clockwise or counter-clockwise order.
    1. In the case that the beam-column element is rigidly framed to the joint, the tag for materials $Mat1 to $Mat4 shall be zero.


Arash Altoontash, 2004, "Simulation and damage models for performance assessment of reinforced concrete beam-column joints", PhD Dissertation, Stanford University, California, USA. [1]

Code Developed by: Arash Altoontash