OilDamper Material

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This command is used to construct an OilDamper material, which simulates the hysteretic response of bilinear oil dampers with a valve relief. Two adaptive iterative algorithms have been implemented and validated to solve numerically the constitutive equations within a bilinear oil damper with a high-precision accuracy.

uniaxialMaterial OilDamper $matTag $K $Cd $alpha <$Fr $p> <$LGap> < $NM $RelTol $AbsTol $MaxHalf>

$matTag integer tag identifying material
$K Elastic stiffness of linear spring (to model the axial flexibility of an oil damper (brace and damper portion)
$Cd Viscous parameter of oil damper
$alpha Viscocity exponent
$Fr Damper relief force (Damper property)
$p Post-relief damping coefficient ratio (Damper property)
$LGap gap length to simulate the gap length due to the pin tolerance
$NM Employed adaptive numerical algorithm (default value NM = 1; 1 = Dormand-Prince54, 2=adaptive finite difference)
$RelTol Tolerance for absolute relative error control of the adaptive iterative algorithm (default value 10^-6)
$AbsTol Tolerance for absolute error control of adaptive iterative algorithm (default value 10^-6)
$MaxHalf Maximum number of sub-step iterations within an integration step (default value 15)

Examples: |- |- |}


[1] Akcelyan, S., and Lignos, D.G. (2015), “Adaptive Numerical Method Algorithms for Nonlinear Viscous and Bilinear Oil Damper Models Under Random Vibrations”, ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, (under review).
[2] Oohara, K., and Kasai, K. (2002), “Time-History Analysis Models for Nonlinear Viscous Dampers”, Proc. Structural Engineers World Congress (SEWC), Yokohama, JAPAN, CD-ROM, T2-2-b-3 (in Japanese).
[3] Kasai K, Oohara K. “Algorithm and Computer Code To Simulate Response of Nonlinear Viscous Damper” Passively Controlled Structure Symposium 2001, Yokohama, Japan (in Japanese).

Code Developed and Implemented by : Sarven Akcelyan & Prof. Dimitrios G. Lignos, (McGill University)