Fiber Section

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This commnand allows the user to construct a FiberSection object. Each FiberSection object is composed of Fibers, with each fiber containing a UniaxialMaterial, an area and a location (y,z). The command to generate FiberSection object contains in { } the commands to generate all the fibers in the object. To construct a FiberSection and populate it, the following command is used:

section Fiber $secTag <-GJ $GJ> {

$secTag unique tag among sections
$GJ linear-elastic torsional stiffness assigned to the section (optional, default = no torsional stiffness)
fiber... command to generate a single fiber
patch... command to generate a number of fibers over a geometric cross-section
layer... command to generate a row of fibers along a geometric-arc


  1. The command to generate a FiberSection contains in { } the commands to generate all the fibers in the section.
  2. The patch and layer commands can be used to generate multiple fibers in a single command.
  3. In an element recorder you can ask a FiberSection for its 'deformations', 'forces', 'forceAndDeformation', 'fiber $fiberNum $matArg1 ..', 'fiber $yLoc $zLoc $matTag $matArg1 '

<uml> FiberSection o- Fiber </uml>

Code Developed by: Michael H. Scott, Oregon State University