RC Section

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This command allows the user to construct an RCSection2d object, which is an encapsulated fiber representation of a rectangular reinforced concrete section with core and confined regions of concrete and single top and bottom layers of reinforcement appropriate for plane frame analysis.

section RCSection2d $secTag $coreTag $coverTag $steelTag $d $b $cover $Atop $Abot $Aside $Nfcore $Nfcover $Nfs

$secTag unique section tag
$coreTag tag of uniaxialMaterial assigned to each fiber in the core region
$coverTag tag of uniaxialMaterial assigned to each fiber in the cover region
$steelTag tag of uniaxialMaterial assigned to each reinforcing bar
$d section depth
$b section width
$cover cover depth (assumed uniform around perimeter)
$Atop area of reinforcing bars in top layer
$Abot area of reinforcing bars in bottom layer
$Nfcore number of fibers through the core depth
$Nfcover number of fibers through the cover depth
$Nfs number of reinforcing bars in each layer

Code Developed by: Michael H. Scott, Oregon State University