Elastic Section

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This command allows the user to construct an ElasticSection. The inclusion of shear deformations is optional.

section Elastic $secTag $E $A $Iz <$G $alpha>
section Elastic $secTag $E $A $Iz $Iy $G $J <$alpha>

$secTag unique section tag
$E Young's Modulus
$A cross-sectional area of section
$Iz second moment of area about the local z-axis
$Iy second moment of area about the local y-axis (required for 3D analysis)
$G Shear Modulus (optional for 2D analysis, required for 3D analysis)
$J torsional moment of inertia of section (required for 3D analysis)
$alpha shear shape factor (optional)


  • The elastic section can be used in the nonlinear beam column elements, which is useful in the initial stages of developing a complex model.

Code Developed by: fmk