Block3D Command

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The block3D command generates three-dimensional meshes of eight-node brick solid element.

block3d $nx $ny $nz $e1 $n1 element elementArgs {
1 $x1 $y1 <$z1>
2 $x2 $y2 <$z2>
3 $x3 $y3 <$z3>
4 $x4 $y4 <$z4>
5 $x5 $y5 $z5
6 $x6 $y6 $z6
7 $x7 $y7 $z7
8 $x8 $y8 $z8
<9> <$x9> <$y9> <$z9>
<27> <$x27> <$y27> <$z27>

$nx number of elements in the local x directions of the block
$ny number of elements in the local y directions of the block
$nz number of elements in the local z directions of the block
$e1 element from which the mesh generation will start
$n1 node from which the mesh generation will start
element string defining which brick elements is being used (stdBrick, bbarBrick, or Brick20N)
elementArgs list of data parameters for element being used
{$x1, .... ,$x27} coordinates of the block elements in three dimensions
{$y1, .... ,$y27}
{$z1, .... $z9}


1. Only the first eight nodes (1-8) are required. Nodes 9-27 are used to generate curved meshes. The user may specify any combination of nodes 9-27, omitting some of them if desired.

2. This command recognizes variable substitutions when the command arguments are placed in quotes.