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This command is used to construct a TimeSeries object in which the load factor is constant for a specified period and 0 otherwise, i.e.
This command is used to construct a TimeSeries object in which the load factor is constant for a specified period and 0 otherwise, i.e.

Revision as of 21:22, 3 March 2010

This command is used to construct a TimeSeries object in which the load factor is constant for a specified period and 0 otherwise, i.e.

<math> \lambda = f(t) = \begin{cases}

\text{cFactor}, &\text{tStart} <= t <= \text{tEnd}\\
\text{0.0}, &\text{otherwise}\\



timeSeries Rectangular $tag $tStart $tEnd? <-factor $cFactor>

$tag unique tag among TimeSeries objects.
$tStart starting time of non-zero load factor
$tEnd ending time of non-zero load factor
$cFactor the load factor applied (optional, default=1.0)

Code Developed by: fmk