OpenSees Outreach & Training Requirements

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On-line training courses

  • OpenSees Commands
  • OpenSees Modeling
  • OpenSees Applications
  • Structural Modeling
  • Geotechnical Modeling
  • Reliability-Analysis Modeling
  • Nonlinear Models and Analysis

OpenSees Days

  • User Workshop
    • Extended Program
      • Geotechnical Models
      • Structural Models
      • Reliability-Analysis Models
      • Hands-on sessions
      • Geotechnical Applications
      • Structural Applications
      • Reliability-Analysis Applications
      • Parallel OpenSees Applications
      • Visualization Tools
      • Building Models
      • Bridge Models
      • Soil-Structure interaction models
  • Advanced-User Workshop
  • Developer Workshop
  • Modeling Workshop
  • Parallel OpenSees


OpenSees Forum


  • User Database
  • Developer Database



  • Productivity Modules

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