Impact Material

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This command is used to construct an impact material object

uniaxialMaterial ImpactMaterial $matTag $K1 $K2 $δy $gap

$matTag integer tag identifying material
$K1 initial stiffness
$K2 secondary stiffness
$δy yield displacement
$gap initial gap*


This material is implemented as a compression-only gap material. Delta_y and gap should be input as negative values.


This material is based on an approximation to the Hertz contact model proposed by Muthukumar (See REFERENCES below). The energy dissipated during impact is:

E = kh * δm^(n+1) * (1-e^2) / (N+1)

where kh is the impact stiffness parameter, with a typical value of EA/L or 25,000 k-in.-3/2; n is typically taken as 3/2 for the exponent associated with the Hertz power rule; e is the coefficient of restitution, with typical values from 0.6-0.8; and δm is the maximum penetration during the pounding event. The effective stiffness, Keff, is:

Keff = kh * sqrt(δm)

The yield displacement is:

δy = a * δm

where a is typically taken as 0.1. The initial stiffness, K1, and secondary stiffness, K2, are then selected such that the Impact model dissipates an amount of energy during a pounding event that is consistent with the associated energy dissipated in the Hertz model.

K1 = Keff + E / (a*δm^2)

K2 = Keff - E / ((1-a)*δm^2)

Response of Impact Material during a pounding event.

Response of Impact Material for displacement cycles of increasing amplitude.



Muthukumar, S., and DesRoches, R. (2006). “A Hertz Contact Model with Non-linear Damping for Pounding Simulation.” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 35, 811-828.

Muthukumar, S. (2003). “A Contact Element Approach with Hysteresis Damping for the Analysis and Design of Pounding in Bridges.” PhD Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology.

Nielson, B. (2005). “Analytical Fragility Curves for Highway Bridges in Moderate Seismic Zones.” PhD Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology.

Code Developed by: Mathew Dryden, UC Berkeley