Getting Started with OpenSees -- Download OpenSees

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To download and install OpenSees the user is required to download both the OpenSees and Tcl/Tk packages.
The OpenSees and Tcl/Tk packages can both be downloaded from the OpenSees binaries webpage The binaries download page will be similar to that shown below.

At this page the user is required to download two files OpenSees.X.X.X.exe and tcl/tk Y.Y.Y. This can be done by selecting (clicking) on the links located in the box labeled DOWNLOAD Windows Binaries.

The file downloaded by clicking on the OpenSees.X.X.X.exe link is a zip file, from which the OpenSees.X.X.X.exe file can be extracted using your favorite extractor. The user can place this executable anywhere they wish. It is recommended to place it in a directory near where all your scripts will be stored.

The file downloaded by clicking the tcl/tk Y.Y.Y link is an installer for Tcl/Tk. By clicking on the file the user is brought through a series of screens.

  • The first screen shows the package information for Y.Y.Y.
  • The second screen has the license agreement, you must accept the license to proceed with the installation.
  • The third screen specifies the installation mode and location. Here the user must change the default installation location from C:/Tcl to C:/Program Files/Tcl (there is a space between Program and Files), as shown in the image below.

This is the only change the user must make. User now just keeps selecting Next until done.

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