Reinforced Concrete Frame Example

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This next example covers the nonlinear analsyis of a reinforced concrete frame. The force based beam-column element with a fiber discretization is used in the model. The example is contained in three separate files:

  1. RCFrameGravity.tcl - Defines the model and performs a gravity load analysis on the model
  2. RCFramePushover.tcl - Subjects the portal frame of RCFrameGravity to a pushover analysis.
  3. RCFrameUniformExcitation.tcl - Subjects the portal frame of RCFrameGravity to a uniform excitation.

In addition to the opensees modelling, these examples demonstrate Tcl language features such as variables, command substitution, expression evaluation, the if-then-else control structure, the use of procedures and the source command.


The example subjects the reinforced concrete portal frame, shown below, to gravity loads.

Here is the file: RCFrameGravity.tcl


A nonlinear model of the portal frame is created, The model consists of four nodes, two force beam column elements to model the columns and an elastic beam (3) to model the beam. For the column elements, a section, identical to the one use in the previous example, is created using steel and concrete fibers. The bottom two nodes are fixed and a single load pattern with a Linear time series is created. Two vertical loads acting at node 3 and 4 are added to this pattern.

# Create ModelBuilder (with two-dimensions and 3 DOF/node)
model basic -ndm 2 -ndf 3

# Create nodes
# ------------

# Set parameters for overall model geometry
set width    360
set height   144

# Create nodes
#    tag        X       Y 
node  1       0.0     0.0 
node  2    $width     0.0 
node  3       0.0 $height
node  4    $width $height

# Fix supports at base of columns
#    tag   DX   DY   RZ
fix   1     1    1    1
fix   2     1    1    1

# Define materials for nonlinear columns# ------------------------------------------
# CONCRETE                  tag  f'c    ec0    f'cu      ecu
# Core concrete (confined)
uniaxialMaterial Concrete01  1  -6.0  -0.004   -5.0     -0.014

# Cover concrete (unconfined)
uniaxialMaterial Concrete01  2  -5.0  -0.002    0.0     -0.006

# Reinforcing steel 
#                        tag  fy  E0    b
uniaxialMaterial Steel01  3  60.0 3000.0 0.01

# Define cross-section for nonlinear columns
# ------------------------------------------

# set some paramaters
set colWidth 15
set colDepth 24 

set cover  1.5

set As    0.60;     # area of no. 7 bars

# some variables derived from the parameters
set y1 [expr $colDepth/2.0]
set z1 [expr $colWidth/2.0]

section Fiber 1 {

    # Create the concrete core fibers
    patch rect 1 10 1 [expr $cover-$y1] [expr $cover-$z1] [expr $y1-$cover] [expr $z1-$cover]

    # Create the concrete cover fibers (top, bottom, left, right)
    patch rect 2 10 1  [expr -$y1] [expr $z1-$cover] $y1 $z1
    patch rect 2 10 1  [expr -$y1] [expr -$z1] $y1 [expr $cover-$z1]
    patch rect 2  2 1  [expr -$y1] [expr $cover-$z1] [expr $cover-$y1] [expr $z1-$cover]
    patch rect 2  2 1  [expr $y1-$cover] [expr $cover-$z1] $y1 [expr $z1-$cover]

    # Create the reinforcing fibers (left, middle, right)
    layer straight 3 3 $As [expr $y1-$cover] [expr $z1-$cover] [expr $y1-$cover] [expr $cover-$z1]
    layer straight 3 2 $As 0.0 [expr $z1-$cover] 0.0 [expr $cover-$z1]
    layer straight 3 3 $As [expr $cover-$y1] [expr $z1-$cover] [expr $cover-$y1] [expr $cover-$z1]


# Define column elements
# ----------------------

# Geometry of column elements
#                tag 
geomTransf Linear 1  

# Number of integration points along length of element
set np 5

set eleType forceBeamColumn; # forceBeamColumn od dispBeamColumn will work

# Create the coulumns using Beam-column elements
#                 tag ndI ndJ nsecs secID transfTag
element $eleType  1   1   3   $np    1       1 
element $eleType  2   2   4   $np    1       1 

# Define beam elment
# -----------------------------

# Geometry of column elements
#                tag 
geomTransf Linear 2  

# Create the beam element
#                          tag ndI ndJ     A       E    Iz   transfTag
element elasticBeamColumn   3   3   4    360    4030  8640    2

# Define gravity loads
# --------------------

# Set a parameter for the axial load
set P 180;                # 10% of axial capacity of columns

# Create a Plain load pattern with a Linear TimeSeries
pattern Plain 1 "Linear" {

        # Create nodal loads at nodes 3 & 4
	#    nd    FX          FY  MZ 
	load  3   0.0  [expr -$P] 0.0
	load  4   0.0  [expr -$P] 0.0