BuildingTclViewer is a Tcl/Tk widget (program) that provides a graphical user interface to view the BuildingTcl database, run the numerical simulations using OpenSees interactively, and view the results interactively.
Objectives of BuildingTcl & BuildingTclViewer
- Generate numerical-simulation input in a manner consistent with architectural/structural drawings
- Create a database of all structure and simulation data
- The implementation of OpenSees to do the analysis is natural here, but not restrictive
- Be able to run on a number of platforms, just as OpenSees can
- High-level scripting tool
- Generate building-model data
- Materials
- Sections
- Element Types
- Analysis Models
- Loads (Gravity & Lateral)
- Load Combinations
- Models
- Elevations
- Plan
- 3D Frames
- Generate analysis-model data
- Generate loading and load-combination data
- Create OpenSees model of building
- Perform OpenSees numerical simulations
- Post-Process OpenSees recorder output into formatted data
- Generate OpenSees input files
- Graphical User Interface (GUI) for BuildingTcl
- Generate and/or visualize ALL BuildingTcl input graphically
- Save ALL input into BuildingTcl script
- Perform numerical simulations using OpenSees interactively
- Visualize OpenSees simulation real-time
- Pause and/or stop OpenSees analysis real-time
- Visualize simulation results interactively
- Export simulation results
- Tcl is the scripting language used by OpenSees.exe. It runs on Windows, Unix and Macintosh platforms.
- Tk is the graphical user interface toolkit associated with Tcl.
- Tcl/Tk Commands