BuildingTcl -- addSection: SectionModelLabel RCRectangularFiber

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addSectionData SectionLabel $SectionLabel
addSectionData SectionModelLabel RCRectangularFiber
addSectionData B $B
addSectionData H $H
addSectionData CoverMaterialLabel $CoverMaterialLabel
addSectionData CoreMaterialLabel $CoreMaterialLabel
addSectionData ReinfMaterialLabel $ReinfMaterialLabel
<addSectionData SectionDescription $SectionDescription >
<addSectionData NBarTop $NBarTop>
<addSectionData NBarBot $NBarBot>
<addSectionData NBarInt $NBarInt>
<addSectionData BarSizeTop $BarSizeTop>
<addSectionData BarSizeBot $BarSizeBot>
<addSectionData BarSizeInt $BarSizeInt>
<addSectionData CoverTop $CoverTop>
<addSectionData CoverBot $CoverBot>
<addSectionData CoverInt $CoverInt>
<addSectionData nfCoreH $nfCoreH>
<addSectionData nfCoreB $nfCoreB>
<addSectionData nfCoverH $nfCoverH>
<addSectionData nfCoverB $nfCoverB>
<addSectionData nu $nu>
<addSectionData J$J>
<addSectionData WeightDensity $WeightDensity>;


Unique Section Label for reference
Width along horizontal/bending axis
Depth along vertical/rotated axis
Previously-defined MaterialLabel. Used as cover material, defined outside the perimeter of the longitudinal reinforcement.
Previously-defined MaterialLabel. Used as core material, defined inside the perimeter of the longitudinal reinforcement.
Previously-defined MaterialLabel. Used as longitudinal-reinforcement material.
Text. Optional, default = blank {}
Number of Reinf. Bars in Top Layer. Optional, default = 0
Number of Reinf. Bars in Bottom Layer. Optional, default = 0
Number of Reinf. Bars in Each Intermediate Layer. Optional, default = 0
Size Label of Reinf. Bars in TopLayer. Optional, default = #9
Size Label of Reinf. Bars in Bottom Layer. Optional, default = #9
Size Label of Reinf. Bars in Intermediate Layer. Optional, default = #9
Cover to centroid of Reinf. Bars in Top Layer. Optional, default = 2. inch
Cover to centroid of Reinf. Bars in Bottom Layer. Optional, default = 2. inch
Cover to centroid of Reinf. Bars in Intermediate Layer. Optional, default = 2. inch
Number of core fibers along depth. Optional, default = 16
Number of core fibers along width. Optional, default = 16
Number of cover fibers along depth. Optional, default = 4
Number of cover fibers along width. Optional, default = 4
Poisson's Ratio. Used to calulated G=($E/2/(1+$nu). Optional, default = 0.2
Torsional Moment of Inertia. Optional, default = 1.e8
Linear Weight Density of section. Used to calculated element weight: ElementWeight=$WeightDensity*ElementLength. Optional, default = 0.


The addSection command must be placed at the end of each Section-data definition, as it takes all data defined since the last addSection command and define the Section.


OpenSees Object

This SectionModel is based on the OpenSees Fiber Section

BuildingTcl -- addSection

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