BuildingTcl is a library of Tcl procedures (commands) used to build a database for numerical simulation of building frames. Structural model, loading and analysis data are included in this database. Additional procedures are available to perform the numerical simulation using OpenSees. BuildingTclViewer is a Tcl/Tk widget (program) that provides a graphical user interface to view the BuildingTcl database, run the numerical simulations using OpenSees interactively, and view the results interactively.
Generate building-model data
Generate analysis-model data
Generate loading and load-combination data
Generate OpenSees model of building
Perform OpenSees numerical simulations
Post-Process OpenSees recorder output into formatted data
This library of procedures can be used within the OpenSees.exe or OpenSeesTk.exe programs
BuildingTclViewer: View the model/analysis/loading data generated by BuildingTcl View structural model graphically Perform numerical simulations using OpenSees interactively Monitor OpenSees simulation real-time Pause and/or stop OpenSees analysis real-time View simulation results interactively This library of procedures can be used within the OpenSeesTk.exe program.
[Tcl] is the scripting language used by OpenSees.exe. It runs on Windows, Unix and Macintosh platforms. Tk is the graphical user interface toolkit associated with Tcl.
[[1]: BuildingTcl]