Plane Stress Concrete Materials

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A number of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Plane Stress Materials are available. The ones on this page have been provided the University of Houston and are based on the Cyclic Softened Membrane Model (CSMM). They are capable of modeling the cyclic shear behaviour of prestressed and reinforced concrete membranes.



T.T.C. Hsu and Y.L. Mo, "Unified Theory of Concrete Structures", Wiley, COMING APRIL 2010

Y.L. Mo, J. Zhongb, TTC. Hsu, "Seismic simulation of RC wall-type structures",Engineering Structures, 30(11), 3167-3175, 2008.

Mansour M, Hsu TTC, "Behavior of reinforced concrete elements under cyclic shear: Part 1 — experiments", J Struct Eng, ASCE, 131(1), 44–53, 2005.

Mansour M, Hsu TTC, "Behavior of reinforced concrete elements under cyclic shear: Part 2–theoretical model", J Struct Eng, ASCE, 131(1), 54–65, 2005.