BuildingTclViewer User Manual

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Run BuildingTclViewer

  • myBuildingTclviewer.tcl – BuildingTcl with graphical interface
Incorporates BuildingTcl & BuildingTclviewer commands into the Tcl/Tk Interpreter
This file needs to be sourced from the OpenSeesTk.exe prompt, or by double-clicking on the BuildingTclViewer.bat file
1. Run from OpenSeesTk Prompt
a. Run OpenSeesTk.exe – a Tk window opens up (do not close it).
b. Source myBuildingTclviewer.tcl at the OpenSees prompt
the Tk window becomes the BuildingTclviewer


2. Double-click on myBuildingTclviewer.bat

BuildingTclViewer at Startup

Startup: File Menu

To start using BuildingTclViewer, select the File Menu in the menu bar.

File Menu at Startup File Menu at Startup

There are three choices:

Start the input file from scratch
Load (Recommended)
Load an existing BuildingTcl script.
Exit program without saving to user-specified input file.

More about BuildingTclViewer File Menu


  • The user is prompted for a new filename and location.
  • We recommend that the user not save the input file in the root directory of the program, but that a new sub-folder be created.

Create New Folder


  • The script may be generated using a txt editor, or created using BuildingTclViewer and saved onto a file.
  • The user can modify and augment the input and then save the new script to the same file or a new one.
  • NOTE: The current release of BuildingTcl and BuildingTclViewer cannot interpret input files with OpenSees commands. Only files with Tcl and BuildingTcl commands are interpreted.