Getting Started with OpenSees -- Run OpenSees

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There are three ways that OpenSees/Tcl commands can be executed:


Commands can be input directly at the propt, as shown in the figure (Win32 version):

Execute Input File at OpenSees prompt

This method is the most-commonly used one.
An external file containing the input commands can be generated a-priori (inputFile.tcl) and be executed at the OpenSees prompt by using the Tcl source command. The generation of the input script files is presented in this chapter.
In the figure below, the user types the following command at the OpenSees prompt:

source inputFile.tcl

The file execution is shown in the figure (Win32 version):

Batch Mode

The previously-created input file containing the Tcl script commands necessary to execute the analsis can also be executed at the MS-DOS/Unix prompt, as shown in the figure (Win32 version):

In the figure below, the user types the following command at the DOS prompt:

OpenSees inputFile.tcl

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