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Revision as of 21:50, 19 November 2009 by Silviamazzoni (talk | contribs)
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  1. PEER - proposal/document outlining what we are going to do to meet their list of shortcomings.
    1. Better documentation in wiki format for both modeling and analysis to adderess concerns over poor documentation and difficulty developers have in getting documentation uploaded.
    2. User requirements doc.
    3. OpenSees Lite - fewer choices with validated models
    4. Educate Users
      1. voice-over workshop slides
      2. fcf on nonlinear analysis video
      3. Better documentation
    5. Data Output to database - better doc & test usability.
    6. Possible GUI - Mahmoud to look at existing
    7. For next release - registration update & surveymonkey before get to code when user hit download button.
    8. Regular Webex meeting with Users!
  2. NEES proposal



  1. Engage community spirit
  2. Recognize limitations of open-source with regards to research based fe code
    1. Developers students who leave
    2. Developers working on individual classes
    3. Limited follow-up on fixes, maintenance and support after submission of code
  3. Given limitations how can we help.


  1. We need an integrated user environment for PBEE design methodology from NGA database to fragility curves.
  2. User Requirements doc. Where do we get the requirements?
    1. Projects currently funded
    2. Anybody who might get a project
    3. NEES user forum
    4. Survey (surveymonkey)
    5. Questionaires at meetings
    6. Industry
  3. Documentation, Training & Outreach
    1. wiki
      1. PEER to provide student for moving current documentation
    2. Video-lecture library
      1. Filip nonlinear analysis video
    3. Links to papers (.pdf viewing in wiki)
    4. Productivity modules
  4. GUI
    1. mahmoud to look at existing ones and comment.
    2. Interface with existing GID, GSA
    3. Develop new - ship to India
    4. look into commercial alliance
    5. damage visualization
  5. OpenSees Lite
  6. Verification (could do color coding in wiki Green, Orange, Red of command)
  7. Database Usage in recorders
  8. Integration with BIM?


  1. How to engage
    1. Carot & Stick
    2. If OpenSees more popular .. fact code in or code ranking, downlod count.
    3. Sell .dll
  2. institute a Developer Task Force with regular meetings
  3. coordination
  4. How to give developers kudos
    1. Website count downloads.
    2. Website Ranking