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The Example file (BW_pinch.m) uses Simulink S-Function (BWBNpinch.mdl) for the pinching parameters estimation.


Parameters required for the non-degrading pinching hysteretic BWBN model can be divided into the following two categories — hysteretic parameters ($alpha, $ko, $n, $gamma, $beta, $Ao) and pinching parameters ($q, $zetas, $p, $Shi, $deltaShi, $lambda). Hysteretic parameters controls the shape of the curve, whilst the pinching parameters define the pinching inducing function h(z).


Estimates the Parameters in two steps,

1. Set h = 1 in the BWBNpinch.mdl to convert it as a Non-Pinching BoucWen Material. Estimate the hysteretic parameters ($alpha, $ko, $n, $gamma, $beta, $Ao). Set $Ao = 1 as it is a redundant parameter (See References).

2. Find the pinching parameters ($q, $zetas, $p, $Shi, $deltaShi, $lambda) by setting the hysteretic parameters as constant.


Hossain, M. R., Ashraf, M., & Padgett, J. E. (2013). "Risk-based seismic performance assessment of Yielding Shear Panel Device." Engineering Structures, 56, 1570-1579.

Hossain, M. R., & Ashraf, M. (2012). "Mathematical modelling of yielding shear panel device." Thin-Walled Structures, 59, 153-161.


Raquib Hossain, The University of Queensland (UQ), Australia & Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Bangladesh.