OpenSees Examples Manual -- Structural Models & Anlyses

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Revision as of 20:37, 9 November 2009 by Silviamazzoni (talk | contribs)
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  • High-level scripting tool
  • Generate building-model data
Element Types
Analysis Models
Loads (Gravity & Lateral)
Load Combinations
3D Frames
  • Generate analysis-model data
  • Generate loading and load-combination data
  • Create OpenSees model of building
  • Perform OpenSees numerical simulations
  • Post-Process OpenSees recorder output into formatted data
  • Generate OpenSees input files

  • Graphical User Interface (GUI) for BuildingTcl
  • Generate and/or visualize ALL BuildingTcl input graphically
  • Save ALL input into BuildingTcl script
  • Perform numerical simulations using OpenSees interactively
  • Visualize OpenSees simulation real-time
  • Pause and/or stop OpenSees analysis real-time
  • Visualize simulation results interactively
  • Export simulation results