Compilation Guideline of OpenSeeMP on Linux Machines

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Compilation Guideline of OpenSeeMP on Linux Machines

This guide is developed in a systematic manner assuming ActiveTcl, MPICH2 and other packages are not pre-installed in the system. But even if those are available slight modification will enable us to compile OpenSeesMP.

The following tarballs are used to compile OpenSeesMP in this manual. This instruction only works with OpenSees version(svn code – 4985). Package’s version has importance for compatibility issues.

Required Packages

mpiblacs.tgz –files inside needs to be overwritten by files of mpiblacs-patch03.tgz

You can find the following packages in internet, all of them are free, some of them require an email to the developer.

Some Terminal Commands

Some knowledge of bash commands are necessary, parallel machines often do not have graphical user interface.

mkdir mydir - makes a directory named mydir
chmod 777 a.txt - change write permission of files to full permission
nano a.txt - opens a.txt for editing
cd mydir - gets inside mydir
cd .. - gets out mydir to parent directory
which mpd - checks which mpd is used and returns the location

Some system environment packages

Before compiling any of these packages we need to perform the following tasks - (apt-get command is for ubuntu machines for redhat machines we can use yum install) sudo in and type the following:

mkdir lib
mkdir bin
sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install subversion
svn co svn:// OpenSees


chmod 777 OpenSees 

To change the editing permission of the directory.

sudo apt-get install make
sudo apt-get install gcc
sudo apt-get install g++
sudo apt-get install gfortran
sudo apt-get install mysql