Fiber sections

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Fiber sections

Post by mmartin »

Good morning everyone:

According to general doc, the definition of fiber sections require patches(4 sided 2D poligons).

Is it possible to sustitute the fore mentioned 4 sided poligons for triangles( putting 2 vertex at the same position. it is some sort of degeneration of inital 4 sided patch)?

In case this works, you can mesh cross-sections using triangles and assign to fiber sections. And taking advantage of this last procedure, work out torsional properties.

Thank you very much

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Re: Fiber sections

Post by fmk »

i suggest you try it and spit out the fibers and their locations to see what you generated. if you have complicated sections i suggest building the section i fiber at a time .. if repeated complex shaped sections, create procedures to do this.
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