ForceBeamColumn2d::update() -- could not invert flexibility

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ForceBeamColumn2d::update() -- could not invert flexibility

Post by godbryant »

When I run the following codes,but I got the error feedback as follow, the codes are affilliated as follows, too. If some professors can help to fix it , I will appreciate you. Thanks for your attention.

ForceBeamColumn2d::update() -- could not invert flexibility

wipe all
model BasicBuilder -ndm 2 -ndf 3

# Specify fiber section to assign the Maxwell Model
source SquareSsection.tcl;

# Damper Area Damper Length
set Area 12000.0; set L 5000.0;

# X Y
node 1 0.0 0.0
node 2 $L 0.0

# Fixed Conditions
fix 1 1 1 0
fix 2 0 1 0

# end of fixed conditions

# $K $C $a $Area $Length
set D1 [list 500000.0 100000.0 0.30 $Area $L];

# Define Maxwell Model Material --------------------------------------------------------

# uniaxialMaterial Maxwell $matTag $K $C $a $Length
# uniaxialMaterial Maxwell 1 [lindex $D1 0] [lindex $D1 1] [lindex $D1 2] [lindex $D1 4]
# uniaxialMaterial ViscousDamper $matTag $K $Cd $alpha <$LGap> < $NM $RelTol $AbsTol $MaxHalf>
uniaxialMaterial ViscousDamper 1 [lindex $D1 0] [lindex $D1 1] [lindex $D1 2]

# Section ID matID Width Depth fiberX fiberY
SquareSsection 1 1 [expr double(round(pow($Area,0.5)))] [expr double(round(pow($Area,0.5)))] 10 10

geomTransf Linear 1

# Create Element Tag node I node J $numIntgrPts #Section $transfTag
element nonlinearBeamColumn 1 1 2 5 1 1

set LoadPat 1
# Unit Load Pattern in X direction
pattern Plain $LoadPat "Linear" {

# nd FX

load 2 0.01 0.0 0.0


# Recorders # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Force Recorder
#recorder Element 1 -time -file Force.out force
recorder Element -file Force.out -time -ele 1 localForce;
# Displacement Recorder
recorder Element -file Diplacement.out -time -ele 1 section 3 fiber 0.1 0.1 stressStrain

# Displacement Loading Protocol ------------------------------------------------------
set dt1 0.01;

# Displacement Loading Protocol
set fileName2 "ViscousD.tcl";

set Scalefact [expr 1.00000];
# Set Displacement loading history
set DispSeries "Series -dt $dt1 -filePath $fileName2 -factor [expr $Scalefact]"

# Set Applied Direction of loading history
set dir 1

# Set Dynamic Analysis Parameters # ----------------------------------------------------------
# Displacement Control
# Note: In order to calibrate the viscoelastic damper displacement control is used
# since the damper is time dependent and rate effects are needed to generate force
# Steps:
# 1. A multisupport excitation is used in OpenSees with displacement history input
# 2. The imposed displacement motion is applied to the free end of the damper

pattern MultipleSupport [expr $LoadPat+1] {
groundMotion 2 Plain -disp $DispSeries -int Trapezoidal
# node dir GMotion
imposedMotion 2 $dir 2

test EnergyIncr 1.0e-8 50
algorithm Newton
system UmfPack
numberer RCM
constraints Transformation

integrator Newmark 0.5 0.25
analysis Transient
analyze 4841 0.01

wipe all;
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Joined: Tue Jul 06, 2004 3:38 pm
Location: Corvallis, Oregon USA

Re: ForceBeamColumn2d::update() -- could not invert flexibility

Post by mhscott »

Viscous damper material does not return a material stiffness. Not really sure what you're trying to model. You should consider other material models for fiber response.
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