I need to use an evolutionary algorithm coded in C on my model on opensees. The code returns the values of some dimensions after every run which are to be read and incorporated into the model automatically.
Similarly the results from opensees are to read by the C code. Its an iterative process.
Can I use a text file to act as intermediary? Any better suggestions?
C code with opensees
Moderators: silvia, selimgunay, Moderators
Re: C code with opensees
you can use a text file or go into the source code itself and make the changes .. if the interaction between simulation and your code is needed, instead of a file you can also use tcp sockets.
Re: C code with opensees
Thanks for that. But in the case of using a text file, how do i take care that the simulation initiates itself automatically?
Re: C code with opensees
don't understand the question.