
Forum for OpenSees users to post questions, comments, etc. on the use of the OpenSees interpreter, OpenSees.exe

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Krisda Piyawat
Posts: 3
Joined: Sat Jul 31, 2004 2:05 am


Post by Krisda Piyawat »

:twisted: Hi all, I need your help on OpenSeesTk.exe. I use OpenSeesTk for testing uniaxial material, graphicly. I put OpenSeesTk provided in the workshop cd in the directory OpenSees\SCRIPTS and then I used the command "source" to call strain.tcl to open a graphic window for testing uniaxial materials. The thing is I can modify the script "uniaxialMaterials.tcl" located in the same directory to take some more materials than given in the graphic window, but it is just for the default uniaxial materials provided in the source code not the new materials that I implemented for my work. It seems like OpenSeesTk.exe does not know my materials, so I think I need to compile my modified source code to get a new OpenSeesTk. To do so, I changed the active project in my VC++ compiler from OpenSees to OpenSeesTk and then when I compile, there is an error said " cannot open input file tcl83.lib". There is also no file named tcl83.lib in my computer . So if anybody know how to fix this problem, please tell me :wink: Thank you
Posts: 68
Joined: Fri Jul 02, 2004 6:10 am
Location: Computers and Structures, Inc.

Post by berktaftali »

Hi Krisda,

The OpenSeesTk project you are trying to compile looks for tcl/tk 8.3. You need to modify the project file to look for "tcl84.lib" instead.

In VC++ .NET:
-> right click on openSeesTk project on solution explorer
-> click on properties
-> select configuration properties/linker/input and modify "additional dependencies" key with tcl84.lib.

Hope this helps...

PS. This does not happen with the latest source I dowloaded using CVS.
Berk Taftali
Georgia Institute of Technology
Ph.D. Candidate, Structural Engineering, Mechanics, and Materials
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Atlanta, GA 30332 USA
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