masonry confined by concrete elements (beams and colums)

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Joined: Thu Nov 02, 2006 9:15 pm

masonry confined by concrete elements (beams and colums)

Post by Joseph »

This example consist of a section 96" by 16" in total. The 48" by 16" mansory wall is confined by 24" by 16" (on both sides). Some results were produced for the gravity and push over analysis. Would you consider the arguments in this attempt valid? If so why was error generated (see SECTION D for results) during the cyclic analysis (SECTION C) and how do I correct this error?

How could you possibly help me with the examples on masonry walls confined by concrete columns and beam?


# OpenSees 2.tcl

# Units: kips, in, sec

# ------------------------------

# Start of model generation

# ------------------------------

# Create ModelBuilder (with two-dimensions and 3 DOF/node)

model basic -ndm 2 -ndf 3

# Create nodes

# ------------

# Set parameters for overall model geometry

set height 144

# Create nodes

# tag X Y

node 1 0.0 0.0

node 2 0.0 $height

# Fix supports at base of columns

# tag DX DY RZ

fix 1 1 1 1

fix 2 0 0 0

# Define materials for nonlinear columns
# ------------------------------------------

# CONCRETE tag f'c ec0 f'cu ecu

# Core concrete (confined)

uniaxialMaterial Concrete01 1 -6.0 -0.004 -5.0 -0.014

# Cover concrete (unconfined)

uniaxialMaterial Concrete01 2 -5.0 -0.002 0.0 -0.006


# Reinforcing steel

set fy 60.0; # Yield stress

set E 30000.0; # Young's modulus

# tag fy E0 b

uniaxialMaterial Steel01 3 $fy $E 0.01

# Mamposteria: Elastic-No Tension Material

# uniaxialMaterial ENT $matTag $E

uniaxialMaterial ENT 4 1500

# Define cross-section for nonlinear columns

# ------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------

# set some paramaters

#set colWidth 16.0

#set colDepth 96.0

#set cover 2.0

set As 0.60; # area of no. 7 bars

# some variables derived from the parameters

#set y1 [expr $colDepth/2.0]

#set z1 [expr $colWidth/2.0]


#section Fiber $secTag {
# fiber <fiber arguments>
# patch <patch arguments>
# layer <layer arguments>
# }

section Fiber 1 {

# Create the concrete core fibers in the first column.

patch rect 1 10 1 26 -6 46 6

# Create the unconfined concrete fibers in the first column.

patch rect 2 10 1 24 -8 46 -6

patch rect 2 10 1 24 6 48 8

patch rect 2 2 1 24 -6 26 6

patch rect 2 2 1 46 -6 48 6

# Create the concrete core fibers in the second column.

patch rect 1 10 1 -46 -6 -26 6

# Create the unconfined concrete core fibers in the second column.

patch rect 2 10 1 -48 -8 -24 -6

patch rect 2 10 1 -48 6 -24 8

patch rect 2 2 1 -48 -6 -46 6

patch rect 2 2 1 -26 -6 -24 6

# Create the mamposteria fibers.

patch rect 4 20 1 -24 -8 24 8

# Create the reinforcement layers in the first colum (left, center & right)

layer straight 3 5 $As 46 6 -46 -6

layer straight 3 3 $As 42 6 28 6

layer straight 3 2 $As 42 -6 28 -6

layer straight 3 5 $As 26 6 26 -6

# Create the reinforcement layers in the first colum (left, center & right)

layer straight 3 5 $As -26 6 -26 -6

layer straight 3 2 $As -24 6 -24 -6

layer straight 3 3 $As -24 -6 -44 -6

layer straight 3 5 $As -46 6 -46 -6

# Define column elements

# ----------------------

# Geometry of column elements

# tag

geomTransf Linear 1

# Number of integration points along length of element

set np 8

# Create the coulumns using Beam-column elements

# tag ndI ndJ nsecs secID transfTag

element nonlinearBeamColumn 1 1 2 $np 1 1

# Set a parameter for the axial load

set P 180; # 10% of axial capacity of columns

# Create a Plain load pattern with a Linear TimeSeries

pattern Plain 1 "Linear" {

# Create nodal load at node 2

# nd FX FY MZ

load 2 0.0 [expr -$P] 0.0

# ------------------------------

# End of model generation

# ------------------------------

# Start of analysis generation

# ------------------------------

# Create the system of equation, a sparse solver with partial pivoting

system BandGeneral

# Create the constraint handler, the transformation method

constraints Transformation

# Create the DOF numberer, the reverse Cuthill-McKee algorithm

numberer RCM

# Create the convergence test, the norm of the residual with a tolerance of

# 1e-12 and a max number of iterations of 10

test NormDispIncr 1.0e-12 10 3

# Create the solution algorithm, a Newton-Raphson algorithm

algorithm Newton

# Create the integration scheme, the LoadControl scheme using steps of 0.1

integrator LoadControl 0.1

# Create the analysis object

analysis Static

# initialize in case we need to do an initial stiffness iteration


# ------------------------------

# End of analysis generation

# ------------------------------

# ------------------------------

# Start of recorder generation

# ------------------------------

# Create a recorder to monitor nodal displacements

recorder Node -file nodeGravity.out -time -node 2 -dof 1 2 3 disp

# --------------------------------

# End of recorder generation

# ---------------------------------

# ------------------------------

# Finally perform the analysis

# ------------------------------

# perform the gravity load analysis, requires 10 steps to reach the load level

analyze 100

# Print out the state of nodes 3 and 4

print node 2

# Print out the state of element 1

print ele 1



# OpenSees Mamposteria_2.tcl


# Units: kips, in, sec

# ----------------------------------------------------

# Start of Model Generation & Initial Gravity Analysis

# ----------------------------------------------------

# Do operations of Example3.1 by sourcing in the tcl file

source Trial_mamposteria.tcl
#puts ``gravity analysis completed''

# Set the gravity loads to be constant & reset the time in the domain

loadConst -time 0.0

# ----------------------------------------------------

# End of Model Generation & Initial Gravity Analysis

# ----------------------------------------------------

# ----------------------------------------------------

# Start of additional modeling for lateral loads

# ----------------------------------------------------

# Define lateral loads

# --------------------

# Set some parameters

set H 10.0; # Reference lateral load

# Set lateral load pattern with a Linear TimeSeries

pattern Plain 2 "Linear" {

# Create nodal loads at nodes 2

# nd FX FY MZ

load 2 $H 0.0 0.0


# ----------------------------------------------------

# End of additional modeling for lateral loads

# ----------------------------------------------------

# ----------------------------------------------------

# Start of modifications to analysis for push over

# ----------------------------------------------------

# Set some parameters

set dU 0.01; # Displacement increment

# Change the integration scheme to be displacement control

# node dof init Jd min max

integrator DisplacementControl 2 1 $dU 1 $dU $dU

# ----------------------------------------------------

# End of modifications to analysis for push over

# ----------------------------------------------------

# ------------------------------

# Start of recorder generation

# ------------------------------

# Create a recorder to monitor nodal displacements

recorder Node -file node2.out -time -node 2 -dof 1 2 3 disp

# Create a recorder to monitor element forces in columns

recorder Element -file ele2.out -time -ele 1 localForce

# --------------------------------

# End of recorder generation

# ---------------------------------

# ------------------------------

# Finally perform the analysis

# ------------------------------

# Set some parameters

set maxU 10.0; # Max displacement

set numSteps [expr int($maxU/$dU)]

# Perform the analysis

analyze $numSteps

puts ``Pushover analysis completed''

# Print the state at node 2

print node 2
Cyclic analysis



source 3a.tcl

source 2.tcl

pattern Plain 3 Linear {

load 2 100.0 0.0 0.0

integrator DisplacementControl 2 2 0.1

analyze 10

integrator DisplacementControl 2 2 -0.2

analyze 10

integrator DisplacementControl 2 2 0.1

analyze 10


Node: 2
Coordinates : 0 144
commitDisps: -0.000331911 -0.00572473 4.60987e-006
unbalanced Load: 0 -180 0
ID : 0 1 2

Element: 1 Type: ForceBeamColumn2d Connected Nodes: 1 2
Number of Sections: 8 Mass density: 0
End 1 Forces (P V M): 180 -2.82227e-015 3.61613e-013
End 2 Forces (P V M): -180 2.82227e-015 -7.68019e-013
Domain::addNode - node with tag 1already exists in model
WARNING failed to add node to the domain
node: 1

while executing
"node 1 0.0 0.0 "
(file "3a.tcl" line 2
invoked from within
"source 3a.tcl"
(file "2.tcl" line 17)
invoked from within
"source 2.tcl"
(file "C:\Documents and Settings\JIdowu\Escritorio\Nueva carpeta\Fibers 1\Fi
ber 1\cyclic analisis\1.tcl" line 5)
End of script <C:\Documents> reached, Press any key to continue
Posts: 3909
Joined: Tue Jan 11, 2005 7:44 am
Location: Degenkolb Engineers

Post by silvia »

please mail the files to opensees-support
with a detailed explanation of the problem.
Silvia Mazzoni, PhD
Structural Consultant
Degenkolb Engineers
235 Montgomery Street, Suite 500
San Francisco, CA. 94104
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