what are these parameters

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what are these parameters

Post by n_siahpolo »

Dear all
in the below text (part of code) how can calculate th_p_col1 and th_pc_col1 and Lambda_col1?

# Define Rotational Springs parameters Of Plastic Hinges, Panel Zones, and Leaning Columns
# define rotational spring properties and create spring elements using "rotSpring2DModIKModel" procedure
# rotSpring2DModIKModel creates a uniaxial material spring with a bilinear response based on Modified Ibarra Krawinkler Deterioration Model
# references provided in rotSpring2DModIKModel.tcl
# input values similar for all plastic Hinges in the model

set cS 1.0; # exponent for basic strength deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set cK 1.0; # exponent for unloading stiffness deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set cA 1.0; # exponent for accelerated reloading stiffness deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set cD 1.0; # exponent for post-capping strength deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set DP 1.0; # rate of cyclic deterioration for pos loading
set DN 1.0; # rate of cyclic deterioration for neg loading

# input values similar for all column plastic Hinges in the model

set McMy_col 1.1; # ratio of capping moment to yield moment, Mc / My
set ResP_col 0.4; # residual strength ratio for pos loading
set ResN_col 0.4; # residual strength ratio for neg loading
set th_uP_col 0.4; # ultimate rot capacity for pos loading
set th_uN_col 0.4; # ultimate rot capacity for neg loading

# input values similar for all Beam plastic Hinges in the model
set McMy_beam 1.1; # ratio of capping moment to yield moment, Mc / My
set ResP_beam 0.4; # residual strength ratio for pos loading
set ResN_beam 0.4; # residual strength ratio for neg loading
set th_uP_beam 0.4; # ultimate rot capacity for pos loading
set th_uN_beam 0.4; # ultimate rot capacity for neg loading

# specific input values for 1st story column springs
set th_p_col1 [expr 0.0404]; # plastic rot capacity (same for both direction)
set th_pc_col1 [expr 0.2688]; # post-capping rot capacity (same for both direction)
set Lambda_col1 [expr 186.0]; # Cyclic Deterioration parameter (same for all deterioration modes)
set th_pP_col1 $th_p_col1; # plastic rot capacity for pos loading
set th_pN_col1 $th_p_col1; # plastic rot capacity for neg loading
set th_pcP_col1 $th_pc_col1; # post-capping rot capacity for pos loading
set th_pcN_col1 $th_pc_col1; # post-capping rot capacity for neg loading
set LS_col1 $Lambda_col1; # basic strength deterioration
set LK_col1 $Lambda_col1; # unloading stiffness deterioration
set LA_col1 $Lambda_col1; # accelerated reloading stiffness deterioration
set LD_col1 $Lambda_col1; # post-capping strength deterioration
set a_col1 [expr ($n+1.0)*($Mycol_1*($McMy_col-1.0)) / ($Ks_col_1*$th_pP_col1)]; # strain hardening ratio of 1st story column
set as_col1 [expr ($a_col1)/(1.0+$n*(1.0-$a_col1))]; # modified strain hardening ratio of 1st story column spring (Ibarra & Krawinkler 2005, note: Eqn B.5 is incorrect)
puts "as_col1= $as_col1"
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Re: what are these parameters

Post by vesna »

Try to contact the author of the example.
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