Current Status: OpenSees on Ruby/Python

A forum dedicated to feature requests and the future direction of OpenSees, i.e. what would you like, what do you need, what should we explore

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Current Status: OpenSees on Ruby/Python

Post by oleviuqserh »

Dear Frank McKenna and OpenSees Developers,

First of all, thank you very much for providing us with this amazing interpreter for studying the dynamic response of structures under the action of earthquakes and other dynamic loads!

The following is just a remainder :)

This request has been asked several times on the OpenSees Board that I would like to know its current status. Compiling OpenSees on a true object-oriented interpreter, such as Ruby or Python, will enable us to make more powerful and reusable scripts than ever before. For example, a great feature would be the possibility of gathering any information/data stored in the Domain Object, with the purpose of making certain operations with them, as shown in the following example (the syntax was taken from Ruby):

%"basic", 2, 3)
% m.type
=> "basic"

% m.ndm
=> 2

% m.ndf
=> 3

% if m.type == "basic"
% print "The model type is basic."
% end
=> "The model type is basic."

%, 5.00)
% node1.x
=> 3.00

% node1.y
=> 5.00

%"Concrete01", 1000, 21000., 0.0018, 15000., 0.0036)
% mat1.type
=> "UniaxialMaterial::Concrete01"

% mat1.tag
=> 1000

% mat1.fpc
=> 21000.

% mat1.epsc0
=> 0.0018

% mat1.fpcu
=> 15000.

% mat1.epsU
=> 0.0036

% 1.35*mat1.fpc
=> 28350.

and so on...

Thank you!

P.S. Perhaps these two links may be very helpful for you, if Ruby is intended to be used: ... _ruby.html
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Re: Current Status: OpenSees on Ruby/Python

Post by fmk »

there is no funding to do this. i am slowly adding the code code needed into the existing classes that is needed. when that is done
for the classes used most often, i can then go about writing the code for the different interpreters.

the timeline is unknown.
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Re: Current Status: OpenSees on Ruby/Python

Post by ronaldnie »


I actually asked for the possibility of a Python port in 2003 and then have not had a chance to work with OpenSees until now. I am pretty good at programming in Python and Fortran, and to some extent C++. I wonder what the progress you have made now and want to know whether I can step in to help in this regard. I don't have a big budget for me to do this, so, could you explain how big the total effort would be?

More specifically, what tools are you using? for example, SWIG, Cython, Ctypes, or some special ways like that wxPython is for wxWindows.

I hope you could share your experience in this effort so that I can have some idea whether I can do it. Your prompt response is appreciated.

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Re: Current Status: OpenSees on Ruby/Python

Post by alysa »

The thread is so informative and having a latest updates.I like like to visit this again for the next info .
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