zeroLenght element orientation

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zeroLenght element orientation

Post by sisa »

I have some problems with the zeroLenght element..I'm analyzing a simple portale frame and I would add 2 ZeroLenght element up the column in order to simulate the shear failure. I specified the orientation of ZeroLenght element bacause I want the x axis up (as one of the column) it right? I've assigned a shear-displacement for the elemen with an hysteretic material.
this is part of my code...When I run it, It doesn't give me error but there is a "funny" problem that it doesn't "puts" out what there is after the definition of the zero element. Also it dosen't work when I make Pushover analyzize (I run it from another code). I think the problem is the orientation of element but I dont' understand because this isn't very clear to me again. Someone could know what is the problem? I hope so! thank you

source sezioneCA_telaio.txt
source sezione_shear.txt
puts "sezione caricate"

set Hcol 3000.
set Lportale 5000.

node 1 0. 0.
node 2 0. $Hcol
node 3 $Lportale 0.
node 4 $Lportale $Hcol
node 22 0. $Hcol
node 44 $Lportale $Hcol

fix 1 1 1 1
fix 3 1 1 1
fix 22 0 1 1
fix 44 0 1 1

set IDctrlSez 5
set IDctrlNode 2
set IDctrlDOF 1

geomTransf Linear 200;#colonne
geomTransf Linear 201;#trave

element nonlinearBeamColumn 1 1 22 $IDctrlSez $SezTag 200
element nonlinearBeamColumn 2 3 44 $IDctrlSez $SezTag 200
element nonlinearBeamColumn 3 22 44 $IDctrlSez $SezTrave 201

puts "elementi costruiti"
puts "$IDctrlSez Sezioni Controllo"

#elementi per crisi a taglio
element zeroLenghtSection 6 22 2 $SezTaglio -orient 0 1 0 -1 0 0
element zeroLenghtSection 7 44 4 $SezTaglio -orient 0 1 0 -1 0 0
puts "modello costruito"
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Re: zeroLenght element orientation

Post by vesna »

You have misspelled the command for a zeroLengthSection element.
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Re: zeroLenght element orientation

Post by rasoulazadi »

hi dear vesna
i want to define zerolength element . how can i determine the orient of element.
we have stifness in 1 , 2 ,3 directions
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Re: zeroLenght element orientation

Post by vesna »

Orientation of the element is defined by the following arguments: -orient $x1 $x2 $x3 $yp1 $yp2 $yp3

In the command manual you will find their meaning ( ... th_Element)
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