Error in algorithm while solving

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Error in algorithm while solving

Post by pallavi »

Dear all,

I am running a bridge simulation problem on OpenSees 1.7.5, on window OS.

While running the example I am getting an error as :

OpenSees > wipe
OpenSees > source 2d_Mesh_Karad_CF_1602_06t.tcl
Finished setting up recorders for 1st stage selfweight analysis...
Finished setting up recorders for 2nd stage selfweight analysis...
Finished setting up recorders for pile displacements and force...
WARNING BandSPDLinLapackSolver::solve() - the LAPACK routines returned 1
WARNING Linear::solveCurrentStep() -the LinearSOE failed in solve()
DirectIntegrationAnalysis::analyze() - the Algorithm failed at time 0.01
OpenSees > analyze failed, returned: -3 error flag

I run the example step by step and the final error is above one, can anyone tell me where is the problem? Need to get the solution as early as possible.

Thanking in advance.


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Re: Error in algorithm while solving

Post by vesna »

The warning message suggest that there is an error in your model.
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Re: Error in algorithm while solving

Post by pallavi »

vesna wrote:
> The warning message suggest that there is an error in your model.

Dear Vesna,

I have the Bridge Model using Gid - OpenSeesquad, The entire nodes and elements got by the .tcl script created by Gid. We also have added the zero lenght elements and the load script is like this:

#source display.tcl
set g 32.2
set accelSeries1 "Path -filePath tabasFP.txt -dt 0.02 -factor $g"
pattern UniformExcitation 1 1 -accel $accelSeries1
#set accelSeries2 "Path -filePath tabasFN.txt -dt 0.02 -factor $g"
#pattern UniformExcitation 2 2 -accel $accelSeries2

integrator Newmark 0.5 0.25
constraints Transformation 1.0
algorithm Linear
numberer Plain
system ProfileSPD

# create the analysis object
analysis Transient

recorder Node -file Karad_base_node.out -time -node 7781 10010 -dof 1 2 3 disp
puts "Finished setting up recorders for 1st stage selfweight analysis..."

# a window to plot the nodal displacements versus load for node 38
#recorder plot PierNode-2.out Node_46_Xdisp 10 100 800 300 -columns 1 24 -dT 0.1
#recorder display DynamicColumn 10 410 500 300 -wipe
#prp 100 100 120.5
#vup 0 0 1
#display 1 1 1

recorder Node -file Karad_LHS_node.out -time -node 27 928 -dof 1 2 3 disp

recorder Node -file Karad_pile1_LH.out -time -node 2926 2931 2939 2948 2955 2952 2956 2960 2974 2978 -dof 1 2 3 disp
recorder Node -file Karad_pile1_RH.out -time -node 3487 3489 3492 3493 3494 3495 3463 3472 3488 3490 -dof 1 2 3 disp
puts "Finished setting up recorders for 2nd stage selfweight analysis..."

recorder Node -file Disp1.out -time -node 2926 2931 2939 2948 2955 2952 2956 2960 2974 2978 -dof 1 2 3 disp
recorder Node -file Disp2.out -time -node 3487 3489 3492 3493 3494 3495 3463 3472 3488 3490 -dof 1 2 3 disp
recorder Element -file Pier1_Force1.out -time -ele 2911 3111 2736 3175 3182 2750 globalForce
recorder Element -file Pier1_Force2.out -time -ele 2832 2938 3043 3090 3057 3088 globalForce
puts "Finished setting up recorders for pile displacements and force..."

# perform analysis
# numSteps del_t
analyze 200 0.01

Can you suggest any change in above script. Since the nodes and elements are large in number so cant put that here.

Thanking you in advance.


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Re: Error in algorithm while solving

Post by vesna »

Your constraints are:

constraints Transformation 1.0

but it should be:

constraints Transformation

Are your elements elastic? In the case they are your analysis objects are defined well.
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Re: Error in algorithm while solving

Post by pallavi »

vesna wrote:
> Your constraints are:
> constraints Transformation 1.0
> but it should be:
> constraints Transformation
> Are your elements elastic? In the case they are your analysis objects are
> defined well.

Dear Vesna,

I have defined the materials as :

#####Materal Information#######
nDMaterial ElasticIsotropic 1 20000000.000 0.4
nDMaterial ElasticIsotropic 2 31600000.000 0.2
nDMaterial ElasticIsotropic 3 25000000.000 0.25
nDMaterial ElasticIsotropic 4 45000000.000 0.3
nDMaterial ElasticIsotropic 5 210000000.000 0.3
nDMaterial ElasticIsotropic 6 240000000.000 0.25

and the elements are :

element quad 1 1571 1591 1583 1561 1 PlaneStrain2D 2 0 2.5 0 0
element quad 2 1561 1583 1577 1553 1 PlaneStrain2D 2 0 2.5 0 0
element quad 3 1553 1577 1563 1542 1 PlaneStrain2D 2 0 2.5 0 0
element quad 4 1542 1563 1551 1529 1 PlaneStrain2D 2 0 2.5 0 0
element quad 5 1529 1551 1540 1510 1 PlaneStrain2D 2 0 2.5 0 0
element quad 6 1510 1540 1525 1468 1 PlaneStrain2D 2 0 2.5 0 0
element quad 7 1468 1525 1511 1415 1 PlaneStrain2D 2 0 2.5 0 0
element quad 8 1415 1511 1488 1381 1 PlaneStrain2D 2 0 2.5 0 0

I just have mentioned very few elements here, total no. of elements are 8812 and Total No. of Nodes are 10030.

I will change the script as per your suggestion.

Still the error remains same :

OpenSees > source 2d_Mesh_Karad_CF_1602_06t.tcl
Finished setting up recorders for 1st stage selfweight analysis...
Finished setting up recorders for 2nd stage selfweight analysis...
Finished setting up recorders for pile displacements and force...
ProfileSPDLinDirectSolver::solve() - aii < 0 (i, aii): (354, 0)
WARNING Linear::solveCurrentStep() -the LinearSOE failed in solve()
DirectIntegrationAnalysis::analyze() - the Algorithm failed at time 0.01
OpenSees > analyze failed, returned: -3 error flag
OpenSees >

Please help me for this problem.

Thanking you


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Re: Error in algorithm while solving

Post by vesna »

There is definitively a problem with your model. The definition of your model and your elements looks ok to me, but there may be a connectivity issue or something else.

I would suggest you to try the following:
1. make a small simple model that includes all types of elements and all materials that you are going to use for your big model.
2. in case you have a similar problem as before send me the file and I will try to help you solve the problem
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Re: Error in algorithm while solving

Post by pallavi »

vesna wrote:
> There is definitively a problem with your model. The definition of your
> model and your elements looks ok to me, but there may be a connectivity
> issue or something else.
> I would suggest you to try the following:
> 1. make a small simple model that includes all types of elements and all
> materials that you are going to use for your big model.
> 2. in case you have a similar problem as before send me the file and I will
> try to help you solve the problem

Dear Vesna,

You are right. In the model generated using Gid ver. 9.0.2 I got few elements as Beam 2d elements, in the final run of the my .tcl script I removed all those beam 2d elements since I don't know how to give properties to these beam 2d elements :(

Ok I will do the simple model of one pier of the bridge, which gives me only 4 noded quad elements and will generate the .tcl script using Gid.

I am having OpenSeesquad as problem type in Gid which also run the . tcl script . I am having one problem, every time I run any .tcl script in Gid with openSeesquad, I used to get an error such as :

Results file 'D:\Academic_Activities\COEP_Deepali_Potdar\Deepali_Projects\2d_Mesh_Pile_240311.gid\' not
found, No results read.

can you tell me why this thing happens?

So for running my job I use separate OpenSees executable.

Thank you very much for your suggestions, I will do the simple model and run that and will let you know the results.


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Re: Error in algorithm while solving

Post by vesna »

I never used openSeesquad so I am unable to help you with regard to it.
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Re: Error in algorithm while solving

Post by pallavi »

vesna wrote:
> I never used openSeesquad so I am unable to help you with regard to it.

Dear Vesna,

Glad to inform you that the model of the single pier of the Bridge ran successfully using OpenSees. Thank you very much for your suggestion.
The pier model is having 437 nodes and 400 elements.

Now I am trying to solve the entire 3D model of the Bridge. The elements I am getting on Gid are :

Num. of Tetrahedra elements=90306
Num. of nodes=30714

and elements are:

1 66963 66771 66542 66948 3
2 66301 66471 66866 66874 3
3 66945 66216 66771 66930 3
4 66471 65946 66838 66850 3
5 66963 66945 66771 66948 3
6 66471 66838 66866 66874 3
7 66771 66216 66542 66046 3
8 66301 65946 66471 65963 3
9 66771 66945 66930 66948 3
10 66838 66471 66850 66874 3
11 66301 66471 66874 65963 3
12 66771 66542 66948 66046 3
13 58102 58097 58089 58934 3
14 58227 58213 58261 59059 3
15 58213 58158 58206 58868 3
16 58097 58110 58096 58739 3
17 65599 66046 66542 66216 3
18 66216 66771 66930 66046 3
19 63735 64412 63971 63748 3
20 64159 63589 63852 63612 3

Whether Tetrahedra elements can be in OpenSees simulations ? What are the other elements can be used for large scale 3D simulations in OpenSees? I am using Gid for modeling of the Bridge structure.

Thanking you in advance

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