Example in the Home Page

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Example in the Home Page

Post by pfaria »

Please, could yo leave the Example6.1.tcl available at te homepage, as it is not working there?

Patricia Faria
Posts: 3909
Joined: Tue Jan 11, 2005 7:44 am
Location: Degenkolb Engineers

Post by silvia »

here it is, but i have not looked it over:

Code: Select all

# ----------------------------
# Start of model generation
# ----------------------------

# Create ModelBuilder with 3 dimensions and 6 DOF/node
model basic -ndm 2 -ndf 2

# create the material
nDMaterial ElasticIsotropic   1   1000   0.25  6.75 

# Define geometry
# ---------------

# define some  parameters

set Quad  quad
set Quad  bbarQuad
set Quad  enhancedQuad

if {$Quad == "enhancedQuad" } {
    set eleArgs "PlaneStrain2D  1"

if {$Quad == "quad" } {
    set eleArgs "1 PlaneStrain2D  1"

if {$Quad == "bbarQuad" } {
    set eleArgs "1"

set ny 4
set bn [expr $nx + 1 ] 
set l1 [expr $nx/2 + 1 ] 
set l2 [expr $l1 + $ny*($nx+1) ]

# now create the nodes and elements using the block2D command
block2D $nx $ny   1 1  $Quad  $eleArgs {
    1   0   0
    2  40   0
    3  40  10
    4   0  10

# Single point constraints
#   node   u1  u2    
fix    1    1    1   
fix  $bn    0    1   

# Gravity loads
pattern Plain 1 Linear {
    load $l1  0.0  -1.0
    load $l2  0.0  -1.0

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Start of static analysis (creation of the analysis & analysis itself)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------

# Load control with variable load steps
#                       init   Jd  min   max
integrator LoadControl  1.0  1   1.0   10.0

# Convergence test
#                  tolerance maxIter displayCode
test EnergyIncr  1.0e-12    10         0

# Solution algorithm
algorithm Newton

# DOF numberer
numberer RCM

# Cosntraint handler
constraints Plain 

# System of equations solver
system ProfileSPD

# Analysis for gravity load
analysis Static

# Perform the analysis
analyze   10     

# --------------------------
# End of static analysis
# --------------------------

# ----------------------------
# Start of recorder generation
# ----------------------------

recorder Node -file Node.out -time -node $l1 -dof 2 disp
recorder plot Node.out CenterNodeDisp 625 10 625 450 -columns 1 2

# create the display
recorder display g3 10 10 800 200 -wipe
prp 20 5.0 100.0
vup 0 1 0
viewWindow -30 30 -10 10
display 1 4 5

# --------------------------
# End of recorder generation
# --------------------------

# ---------------------------------------
# Create and Perform the dynamic analysis
# ---------------------------------------

# Remove the static analysis & reset the time to 0.0
setTime 0.0

# Now remove the loads and let the beam vibrate
remove loadPattern 1

# Create the transient analysis
test EnergyIncr  1.0e-12    10         0
algorithm Newton
numberer RCM
constraints Plain 
integrator Newmark 0.5 0.25
system ProfileSPD
#integrator GeneralizedMidpoint 0.50
analysis Transient

# Perform the transient analysis (20 sec)
#       numSteps  dt
analyze  500     0.5
Silvia Mazzoni, PhD
Structural Consultant
Degenkolb Engineers
235 Montgomery Street, Suite 500
San Francisco, CA. 94104
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