I want to build a model of a foundationl with size 50*50,and the size of mesh is 1*1.The material is PressureIndependMultiYield Material, coupled with FluidSolidPorousMaterial ,element type is quad. First,it is the gravity application.But when I update the material stage to 1 ,it could not pass successfully with application. In geotechnical examples, examples with PressureIndependMultiYield Material always have the static analysis for gravity application, while transitent analysis with PressureDependMultiYield Material.Could I use transient analysis for gravity analysis when material is PressureIndependMultiYield Material and FluidSolidPorousMaterial?Or how to make it successful for the gravity application?
Here is the analysis command
# GRAVIT APPLICATION (elastic behavior)
# create the SOE, ConstraintHandler, Integrator, Algorithm and Numberer
system ProfileSPD
test NormDispIncr 1.E-12 25 0
constraints Transformation
integrator LoadControl 1 1 1 1
algorithm Newton
numberer RCM
analysis Static
analyze 2
updateMaterialStage -material 1 -stage 1
updateMaterialStage -material 3 -stage 1
analyze 1
static analysis
Moderator: Moderators
Thank you,jinlu.Another question here. As for models with PressureDependMultiYield Material, analysis step should be very large such as 5000,in order to make the excess porepressure dissipatied,but with PressureIndependMultiYield Material, the porepressure may not be very large, so how about the analysis step?
An analysisi command with PressureDependMultiYield Material is :
integrator Newmark 1.5 1
test EnergyIncr 1.0e-8 25 1
constraints Transformation
algorithm KrylovNewton
numberer RCM
system ProfileSPD
analysis Transient
analyze 3 5000
An analysisi command with PressureDependMultiYield Material is :
integrator Newmark 1.5 1
test EnergyIncr 1.0e-8 25 1
constraints Transformation
algorithm KrylovNewton
numberer RCM
system ProfileSPD
analysis Transient
analyze 3 5000