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Post by cyz1654 »

Happy New Year,everyone.I want to analyze a column (2D plane strain quadUP element) of saturated, undrained Pressure Dependent material subjected to earthquake,and I built the model according to Zhaohui Yang's example.As the sand is loose and the earthquake is strong,I think it should have large vertical displacement,but the value of vertical displacement is very little,just 0.03m.Could anyone help me?
Here is Zhaohui Yang's example

#Created by Zhaohui Yang (
#fully coupled, u-p formulation
#plane strain, shear-beam type mesh with single material,
#dynamic analysis, SI units (m, s, KN, ton)
#some user defined variables
set matOpt 1 ;# 1 = pressure depend;
;# 2 = pressure independ;
set fmass 1 ;# fluid mass density
set smass 2 ;# saturated soil mass density
set G 6.e4 ;
set B 2.4e5 ;
set bulk 2.2e6 ;#fluid-solid combined bulk modulus
set vperm 5.e-4 ;#vertical permeability (m/s)
set hperm 5.e-4 ;#horizontal permeability (m/s)
set accGravity 9.81 ;#acceleration of gravity
set vperm [expr $vperm/$accGravity/$fmass] ;#actual value used in computation
set hperm [expr $hperm/$accGravity/$fmass] ;#actual value used in computation
set press 0. ;# isotropic consolidation pressure on quad element(s)
set loadBias 0.07 ;# Static shear load, in percentage of gravity load (=sin(inclination angle))

set accMul 2. ;# acc. multiplier
set accNam whatever.acc ;# file name for input acc. record
set accDt 0.0166 ;# dt of input acc. record
set period 1.0 ;# Period for applied Sine wave
set deltaT 0.01 ;# time step for analysis
set numSteps 2400 ;# number of time steps
set gamma 0.6 ;# Newmark integration parameter

set massProportionalDamping 0. ;
set InitStiffnessProportionalDamping 0.002;

set numXele 1 ;# number of elements in x (H) direction
set numYele 10 ;# number of elements in y (V) direction
set xSize 1.0 ;# x direction element size
set ySize 1.0 ;# y direction element size


#create the ModelBuilder
model basic -ndm 2 -ndf 3

# define material and properties
switch $matOpt {
1 {
nDMaterial PressureDependMultiYield 1 2 $smass $G $B 31.4 .1 80 0.5\
26.5 0.1 .2 5 10 0.015 1.
2 {
nDMaterial PressureIndependMultiYield 2 2 1.8 4.e4 2.e5 40 .1

set gravY -$accGravity ;#calc. gravity
set gravX [expr -$gravY*$loadBias]

# define nodes
set numXnode [expr $numXele+1]
set numYnode [expr $numYele+1]

for {set i 1} {$i <= $numXnode} {incr i 1} {
for {set j 1} {$j <= $numYnode} {incr j 1} {
set xdim [expr ($i-1)*$xSize]
set ydim [expr ($j-1)*$ySize]
set nodeNum [expr $i + ($j-1)*$numXnode]
node $nodeNum $xdim $ydim

# define elements
for {set i 1} {$i <= $numXele} {incr i 1} {
for {set j 1} {$j <= $numYele} {incr j 1} {
set eleNum [expr $i + ($j-1)*$numXele]
set n1 [expr $i + ($j-1)*$numXnode]
set n2 [expr $i + ($j-1)*$numXnode + 1]
set n4 [expr $i + $j*$numXnode + 1]
set n3 [expr $i + $j*$numXnode]
# thick maTag bulk mDensity perm1 perm2 gravity press
element quadUP $eleNum $n1 $n2 $n4 $n3 1.0 $matOpt $bulk $fmass $hperm $vperm $gravX $gravY $press

#set material to elastic for gravity loading
updateMaterialStage -material $matOpt -stage 0

# fix the base, and free surface drainage
for {set i 1} {$i <= $numXnode} {incr i 1} {
fix $i 1 1 0
set surfnode [expr ($numYnode-1)*$numXnode + $i]
fix $surfnode 0 0 1

# tie all disp. DOFs at same level
for {set i 1} {$i < $numYnode} {incr i 1} {
set nodeNum1 [expr $i*$numXnode + 1]
for {set j 2} {$j <= $numXnode} {incr j 1} {
set nodeNum2 [expr $i*$numXnode + $j]
equalDOF $nodeNum1 $nodeNum2 1 2

# GRAVITY APPLICATION (elastic behavior)

# create the SOE, ConstraintHandler, Integrator, Algorithm and Numberer
numberer RCM
system ProfileSPD
test NormDispIncr 1.0e-8 25 2
algorithm Newton
constraints Penalty 1.e18 1.e18
integrator Newmark 1.5 1.
analysis Transient

analyze 3 5.e3

# switch material stage from elastic (gravity) to plastic
switch $matOpt {
1 {
updateMaterialStage -material $matOpt -stage 1
2 {
updateMaterialStage -material $matOpt -stage 1
analyze 5 5.e3
# rezero time
setTime 0.0
#loadConst -time 0.0

# base input motion
pattern UniformExcitation 1 1 -accel "Sine 0. 10. $period -factor $accMul"

#input motion through data file
#pattern UniformExcitation 1 1 -accel "Series -factor $accMul -filePath $accNam -dt $accDt"

#recorder for nodal variables along the vertical center line.
set nodeList {}
for {set i 0} {$i < $numYnode} {incr i 1} {
lappend nodeList [expr $numXnode/2 + $i*$numXnode]

#define recorders for disp., excess pore pressure, and acc.
#Note: disp and acc outputs are relative to the base
eval "recorder Node -file disp -time -node $nodeList -dof 1 2 -dT $deltaT disp"
eval "recorder Node -file pwp -time -node $nodeList -dof 3 -dT $deltaT vel"
eval "recorder Node -file acc -time -node $nodeList -dof 1 2 -dT $deltaT accel"

#stress/strain output at Gauss point 1 of each element along center line
set name1 "stress"; set name2 "strain";
for {set i 1} {$i < $numYnode} {incr i 1} {
set ele [expr $numXele-$numXele/2+($i-1)*$numXele]
set name11 [join [list $name1 $i] {}]
set name21 [join [list $name2 $i] {}]
recorder Element -ele $ele -time -file $name11 -dT $deltaT material 1 stress
recorder Element -ele $ele -time -file $name21 -dT $deltaT material 1 strain

#analysis options
constraints Penalty 1.e18 1.e18
test NormDispIncr 1.e-5 25 0
numberer RCM
algorithm Newton
system ProfileSPD
#some mass proportional and initial-stiffness proportional damping
rayleigh $massProportionalDamping 0.0 $InitStiffnessProportionalDamping 0.0
integrator Newmark $gamma [expr pow($gamma+0.5, 2)/4]
analysis VariableTransient

set startT [clock seconds]
analyze $numSteps $deltaT [expr $deltaT/100] $deltaT 15
set endT [clock seconds]
puts "Execution time: [expr $endT-$startT] seconds."

wipe #flush ouput stream