Dear Frank
I remind that the problem with sawmaterial which I have resolved in my previous post (mac file type does not work with vc++2008 on windows pc) should be fixed in the cvs opensees source code.
I have now a new problem using vc++2008 and the latest cvs OPENSEES files is:
2>recorder.lib(TclRecorderCommands.obj) : error LNK2019: reference to external symbol"public: __thiscall RemoveRecorder::RemoveRecorder(int,class ID &,class ID &,class ID &,class Vector,class Domain &,class OPS_Stream &,bool,double,char const *,class Vector,double,int,int,int,int,int,int,char const *)" (??0RemoveRecorder@@QAE@HAAVID@@00VVector@@AAVDomain@@AAVOPS_Stream@@_NNPBDV2@NHHHHHH5@Z) unresolved in the function"int __cdecl TclCreateRecorder(void *,struct Tcl_Interp *,int,char const * *,class Domain &,class Recorder * *)" (?TclCreateRecorder@@YAHPAXPAUTcl_Interp@@HPAPBDAAVDomain@@PAPAVRecorder@@@Z)
2>.\..\..\bin/openSeesTk.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
1>recorder.lib(TclRecorderCommands.obj) : error LNK2019: reference to external symbol"public: __thiscall RemoveRecorder::RemoveRecorder(int,class ID &,class ID &,class ID &,class Vector,class Domain &,class OPS_Stream &,bool,double,char const *,class Vector,double,int,int,int,int,int,int,char const *)" (??0RemoveRecorder@@QAE@HAAVID@@00VVector@@AAVDomain@@AAVOPS_Stream@@_NNPBDV2@NHHHHHH5@Z) unresolved in the function"int __cdecl TclCreateRecorder(void *,struct Tcl_Interp *,int,char const * *,class Domain &,class Recorder * *)" (?TclCreateRecorder@@YAHPAXPAUTcl_Interp@@HPAPBDAAVDomain@@PAPAVRecorder@@@Z)
1>.\..\..\bin/openSees.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
2>The build log is saved in'file://c:\OpenSees\Win32\obj\openSeesTk\release\BuildLog.htm'
2>OpenSeesTk - 2 error/i, 0 warning/i
1>The build log is saved in'file://c:\OpenSees\Win32\obj\openSees\release\BuildLog.htm'
1>OpenSees - 2 error/i, 0 warning/i
==========Compiling: 0 complete, 2 failure, 23 update, 0 ignored ==========
Can you help me?
Best Regards
cvs opensees files error recorder.lib
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