Dear FMK,
After reading your PHD dissertation, I try to build another “domain” and add one node into it, but I always fail:
static Domain *theTclDomain1 =0;
static TclModelBuilder *theTclBuilder1 =0;
Node *theNode1 = 0;
theNode1 = new Node(9,2,10.0,10.0);
theTclDomain1->addNode(theNode1) ;
I debug and find all these line goes on well except the last one: theTclDomain1->addNode(theNode1) ;
An error occurs saying that “****Memory can not be read” and the program stop.
My orientation is to do an analysis within one element, so I have to build a new domain and add some nodes and loads and use the solver to solve it. In your PHD dissertation page 90 there is an example about “An Element By Element Solvers Interface and solve Method”:
Domain theDomain();
DeltaWing theModelBuilder(theDomain);
Of course now the command change a little bit, but would you please tell me if it is possible that within one element, I can build another “domain” using the “model builder”, and add some node and load and constraints?
We can not use the command theModelBuilder.buildModel() anymore, but how to write it correctly now? And how to build a new domain and analysis model correctly? Thank you very much!
Build another "Domain"
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