I built a 3D beam and assign the beam a section aggregator, but the error repeat: no torsion detected in sections.......
here is the script, please help me, thanks~!O(∩_∩)O
model basic -ndm 3 -ndf 6;
uniaxialMaterial Steel01 1 35 32500 0.05
#section description
#set parameters
set colWidth 200
set colDepth 500
# some variables derived from the parameters
set y1 [expr $colWidth/2.0]
set z1 [expr $colDepth/2.0]
section Fiber 101 {
# Create the concrete core fibers
patch quad 1 10 10 [expr -$y1] [expr -$z1] [expr $y1] [expr -$z1] [expr $y1] [expr $z1] [expr -$y1] [expr $z1]
#end of section description
set Ubig 1.00E+15
uniaxialMaterial Elastic 70 $Ubig
section Aggregator 1 70 T -section 101
#model description
node 1 0 0 0
node 2 2000 0 0
fix 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
#local axes relations
geomTransf Linear 1 0 1 0
set COL 101
set np 6
element nonlinearBeamColumn 1 1 2 $np $COL 1
why the error repeat ?
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