question about block3d

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question about block3d

Post by youyicun2008 »

hi,everyone.I am a new guy studying opensees.
there are several questions about opensees .
I study the example of Solid-Fluid Fully Coupled elements,using the block3d to mesh
the model.
but,uh, there are two question,
1 how to define the nodes of the new model meshing by "block3d"?
2 After that,there are several elements ,if I want to 'recorder' the data of the
element, like this "eval "recorder Element -ele 1 -time -file PRESS6_2_2.out -dT
0.01 material 6 pressure",how to do this ? maybe this is the same question as the
question 1, firstly how to define the elements?define by myself,or following the
opensees results,but how to do this?how does the nodes and elements define of?

thx very much! :P
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Location: wuhan

Re: question about block3d

Post by youyicun2008 »

anyone here ?
please help me

can you tell me some rules about block3d?
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Post by ebe79442114 »

this is an example:

wipe all

model BasicBuilder -ndm 3 -ndf 3
set nx 1
set ny 4
set nz 20
set e1 1
set n1 1

set dx 1.0
set dy 120.0
set dz 60.0

nDMaterial PressureIndependMultiYield 1 3 1.9 182590.0 852086.666667 10.0 0.1 21.4 50 0 -9 1.e-06 1 3.16e-06 0.913 1.e-05 0.761 3.16e-05 0.565 1.e-04 0.4 3.16e-04 0.261 1.e-03 0.152 3.16e-03 0.076 1.e-02 0.037

# block3D $nx $ny $nz $e1 $n1 stdBrick 1 {
# 1 $dx $dy 0
# 2 0 $dy 0
# 3 0 0 0
# 4 $dx 0 0
# 5 $dx $dy $dz
# 6 0 $dy $dz
# 7 0 0 $dz
# 8 $dx 0 $dz
# }
block3D $nx $ny $nz $e1 $n1 stdBrick 1 {
1 1 60 0
2 0 60 0
3 0 0 0
4 1 0 0
5 1 60 120
6 0 60 120
7 0 0 120
8 1 0 120

fixZ 0.0 1 1 1
fixX 0.0 1 0 0
fixX $dx 1 0 0

updateMaterialStage -material 1 -stage 0

# GRAVITY APPLICATION (elastic behavior)
system ProfileSPD
test NormDispIncr 1.e-5 10 0
algorithm ModifiedNewton
constraints Transformation
integrator LoadControl 1 1 1 1
numberer RCM
analysis Static
analyze 1

# switch the material to plastic
updateMaterialStage -material 1 -stage 1

# rezero time
loadConst -time 0.0

source inputMotion.tcl

set saveFolder data
file mkdir ./$saveFolder

set nodeRec [expr ($nx+1)*($ny+1)*(2*$nz+1)/2]
recorder Node -file $saveFolder/acc -time -node $nodeRec -dof 2 -dT 0.033 accel
recorder Node -file $saveFolder/disp -time -node $nodeRec -dof 3 -dT 0.033 disp

source display.tcl

# create the Analysis
constraints Transformation
test NormDispIncr 1.e-5 10 0
numberer RCM
algorithm Newton
system ProfileSPD
integrator Newmark 0.55 0.275625
analysis VariableTransient

set deltaT 0.033
set startT [clock seconds]
analyze 1362 $deltaT [expr $deltaT/100] $deltaT 5
set endT [clock seconds]
puts "Execution time: [expr $endT-$startT] seconds."

wipe #flush ouput stream
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