Some que. aboat OSP and GroundMotion

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Some que. aboat OSP and GroundMotion

Post by lishhit »

:cry: I want to use the OSP

follow information gives:

NodeRecorder::NodeRecorder - dataToStore tempFile0.tmpnot recognized (disp, vel,
accel, incrDisp, incrDeltaDisp)
NodeRecorder::NodeRecorder - dataToStore tempFile1.tmpnot recognized (disp, vel,
accel, incrDisp, incrDeltaDisp)
NodeRecorder::NodeRecorder - dataToStore tempFile2.tmpnot recognized (disp, vel,
accel, incrDisp, incrDeltaDisp)

Use natural column ordering.
WARNING: GroundMotion::getVel(double time) - integration is required to get the
ground velocities from the ground accelerations
WARNING:GroundMotion::integrate() - no TimeSeriesIntegrator provided - will use

I don't kown why :?:
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Post by fmk »

you have the nodeRecorder command incorrect .. suggest you look at the manual, if you can't figure it out post the command you are using.

for multi-support excitations we suggest you always provide the actual displacement record instead of the acceleration record when defining a ground motion .. otherwise we use trapezoidal integration twice (onc to get the vel, and again to get the disp)
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