bi directional Eartquake applying on a soil column

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bi directional Eartquake applying on a soil column

Post by shimasdz »

hello everyone,

I have a 3D soil column for nonlinear site response analysis which I wanted to apply different x and y direction (horizontal and vertical) accelerations via uniform excitation pattern. I have used the timeSeries command to define the two different GM record, but there is no difference btw bidirectional analysis and 1 direction (for example only x direction acc) results. I am wonder maybe I have problem to way I apply uniform excitation code and the way I record them. could you please help me?
(I built the model, I applied static loads and set time to zero, then I apply x and y direction accelerations for dynamic loadings, and here is a small part of my model)

puts "Finished with plastic gravity analysis..."

# reset time and analysis
setTime 0.0
remove recorders

# recorder time step
set recDT $motionDT

## record nodal displacments, velocities, and accelerations at each time step
recorder Node -file displacement.out -time -dT $recDT -nodeRange 1 $nNodeT -dof 1 2 3 disp
recorder Node -file velocity.out -time -dT $recDT -nodeRange 1 $nNodeT -dof 1 2 3 vel
recorder Node -file acceleration.out -time -dT $recDT -nodeRange 1 $nNodeT -dof 1 2 3 accel

# record stress and strain at each gauss point in the soil elements
recorder Element -file stress.out -time -dT $recDT -eleRange 1 $nElemT stress
recorder Element -file strain.out -time -dT $recDT -eleRange 1 $nElemT strain

puts "Finished creating post-gravity recorders..."


# define velocity time history file
set accelFile1 RSN1108_KOBE_KBU000.AT2
set accelFile2 RSN1108_KOBE_KBU090.AT2

set timeSeries1 "Path 1 -dt 0.01 -filePath $accelFile1 -factor 9.81"
set timeSeries2 "Path 2 -dt 0.01 -filePath $accelFile2 -factor 9.81"

pattern UniformExcitation 10 1 -accel $timeSeries1
pattern UniformExcitation 11 2 -accel $timeSeries2

# pattern MultipleSupport 1 {
# groundMotion 101 Plain -vel $timeSeries1
# imposedMotion 1 1 101 ;# node, dof, gmTag
# groundMotion 102 Plain -vel $timeSeries2
# imposedMotion 2 2 102
# }

puts "Dynamic loading created..."

constraints Penalty 1.e14 1.e14
test NormDispIncr 1.0e-3 55 1
algorithm KrylovNewton
numberer Plain
system SparseGeneral
integrator Newmark $gamma $beta
rayleigh $a0 $a1 0.0 0.0
analysis Transient
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