StressStrain recorder not recording data (in tcl)

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StressStrain recorder not recording data (in tcl)

Post by shahinhus »

I define recorders for all the sections in the element. But, only the first section works fine. I do not get any data from the rest of the sections. I have checked the section definitions, everything looks fine. I think the problem arises when I try to record another section of data for the same element. Could you please help me resolve this issue? Thank you.

Please see below for the element definition:
element forceBeamColumn 1 11 12 1 "HingeRadau 6 $Lpb1 8 $Lpb1 7" -mass $WL

Please see below for the recorders:
recorder Element -file ele1sec6Concrete$f.txt -time -ele 1 section 6 fiber 250.0e-03 0.0 1 stressStrain
recorder Element -file ele1sec6Steel$f.txt -time -ele 1 section 6 fiber -226.0e-03 101.0e-03 2 stressStrain
recorder Element -file ele1sec7Concrete$f.txt -time -ele 1 section 7 fiber 250.0e-03 0.0 1 stressStrain
recorder Element -file ele1sec7Steel$f.txt -time -ele 1 section 7 fiber -226.0e-03 101.0e-03 2 stressStrain
recorder Element -file ele1sec8Concrete$f.txt -time -ele 1 section 8 fiber 250.0e-03 0.0 1 stressStrain
recorder Element -file ele1sec8Steel$f.txt -time -ele 1 section 8 fiber -226.0e-03 101.0e-03 2 stressStrain
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Re: StressStrain recorder not recording data (in tcl)

Post by mhscott »

The number after section, e.g., 6,7,8 as you have it, is not the section tag, but the section number along the element. The number should range from 1 to the number of points. For HingeRadau, there are six points - 1 and end I to 6 at end J
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Re: StressStrain recorder not recording data (in tcl)

Post by shahinhus »

@mhscott Thank you very much. It makes sense now.
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