I define recorders for all the sections in the element. But, only the first section works fine. I do not get any data from the rest of the sections. I have checked the section definitions, everything looks fine. I think the problem arises when I try to record another section of data for the same element. Could you please help me resolve this issue? Thank you.
Please see below for the element definition:
element forceBeamColumn 1 11 12 1 "HingeRadau 6 $Lpb1 8 $Lpb1 7" -mass $WL
Please see below for the recorders:
recorder Element -file ele1sec6Concrete$f.txt -time -ele 1 section 6 fiber 250.0e-03 0.0 1 stressStrain
recorder Element -file ele1sec6Steel$f.txt -time -ele 1 section 6 fiber -226.0e-03 101.0e-03 2 stressStrain
recorder Element -file ele1sec7Concrete$f.txt -time -ele 1 section 7 fiber 250.0e-03 0.0 1 stressStrain
recorder Element -file ele1sec7Steel$f.txt -time -ele 1 section 7 fiber -226.0e-03 101.0e-03 2 stressStrain
recorder Element -file ele1sec8Concrete$f.txt -time -ele 1 section 8 fiber 250.0e-03 0.0 1 stressStrain
recorder Element -file ele1sec8Steel$f.txt -time -ele 1 section 8 fiber -226.0e-03 101.0e-03 2 stressStrain
StressStrain recorder not recording data (in tcl)
Moderators: silvia, selimgunay, Moderators
Re: StressStrain recorder not recording data (in tcl)
The number after section, e.g., 6,7,8 as you have it, is not the section tag, but the section number along the element. The number should range from 1 to the number of points. For HingeRadau, there are six points - 1 and end I to 6 at end J
Re: StressStrain recorder not recording data (in tcl)
@mhscott Thank you very much. It makes sense now.