effect of sinusoidal velocity on the value of recorder pore pressure

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effect of sinusoidal velocity on the value of recorder pore pressure

Post by rumaishakrtk »

Hi, I applied sinusoidal velocity on the command of path series, so I made my own velocity by the formula from excel. But the result of the pore water pressure is so strange. It experienced decrease as the velocity occurred. This is the graph of the pore water pressure on one of the nodes and compare with the sinusoidal velocity. I only use 1 wave to see the effect of the excess pore water pressure. I tried to change some the max step on the NormDispIncr, motiondT and motionstep but it didn't affect much.


Code: Select all

# define velocity time history file
set filePath 1cycle.vel
puts "Input Motion File: $filePath"

# time step in ground motion record
set motionDT     0.02

# number of steps in ground motion record
set motionSteps  2000
set duration [expr $motionSteps * $motionDT]
puts "duration: $duration sec"

# delta time for analysis
set dT 0.001

# number of steps in analysis
set nSteps [expr int($duration / $dT)]

set pi      3.141592654
# natural frequency of soil column
set fn $fn
# critical damping ratio
set damp    0.02
# lower angular frequency
set omega1  [expr 2 * $pi * $fn]
puts "Lower Frequency = $omega1"
# upper angular frequency (5.0 is obtained from iteration)
set omega2  [expr 2 * $pi * (5.0*$fn)]
puts "Higher Frequency = $omega2"
# Rayleigh damping coefficients
set a0      [expr 2*$damp*$omega1*$omega2/($omega1 + $omega2)]
set a1      [expr 2*$damp/($omega1 + $omega2)]

puts "damping coefficients: a_0 = $a0;  a_1 = $a1"
puts "number of steps in analysis: $nSteps"
puts "analysis time step: $dT"

# Newmark parameters
set gamma  0.5
set beta   0.25

#  7. GRAVITY ANALYSIS 												      	  #

# Set OPENSEES analysis parameter
constraints Transformation
test        NormDispIncr 1e-6 1000 1
algorithm   KrylovNewton
numberer    RCM
system      ProfileSPD
integrator  Newmark $gamma $beta 
analysis    Transient

# Set material to behave elastically
for {set i 1} {$i <= $numLayers} {incr i 1} {
	updateMaterialStage -material $i -stage 0

# RUN calculation ELASTIC gravity analysis
set startT  [clock seconds]
analyze     10 5.0e2
puts "Finished with elastic gravity analysis..."

# Update material to consider elastoplastic behavior
for {set i 1} {$i <= $numLayers} {incr i 1} {
	updateMaterialStage -material $i -stage 1

# Set FirstCall flag to 0 before plastic & dynamic analysis (PM4Sand)
set elmID 1
#loop over soil layer
for {set i 1} {$i <= $numLayers} {incr i 1} {
	#loop over element within soil layer
	for {set j 1} {$j <= $nElemY($i)} {incr j 1} {
		setParameter -value 0 -ele $elmID FirstCall $i
		puts "setParameter -value 0 -ele $elmID FirstCall $i"
		set elmID [expr $elmID + 1]
# RUN calculation PLASTIC gravity analysis
analyze     100 5.0e-2
puts "Finished with plastic gravity analysis..."


set ctr 10000.0
# loop over elements to define parameter IDs 
for {set i 1} {$i<=$nElemT} {incr i 1} {
    parameter [expr int($ctr+1.0)] element $i vPerm
    parameter [expr int($ctr+2.0)] element $i hPerm
	puts "parameter [expr int($ctr+1.0)] element $i vPerm"
    puts "parameter [expr int($ctr+2.0)] element $i hPerm"	
    set ctr [expr $ctr+2.0]

# Update Permeability value for each soil element
set ctr 10000.0
set elmID 1
#loop over soil layer
for {set i 1} {$i <= $numLayers} {incr i 1} {
	#loop over element within soil layer
	for {set j 1} {$j <= $nElemY($i)} {incr j 1} {
        updateParameter [expr int($ctr+1.0)] $vPerm($i)
        updateParameter [expr int($ctr+2.0)] $hPerm($i)		
		puts "updateParameter [expr int($ctr+1.0)] $vPerm($i)"
        puts "updateParameter [expr int($ctr+2.0)] $hPerm($i)"		
		set ctr   [expr $ctr+2.0]
		set elmID [expr $elmID + 1]
puts "Finished updating permeabilities for dynamic analysis..."

#  9. CREATE POST GRAVITY RECORDERS									      	  #

# reset time and analysis
setTime 0.0
remove recorders

# recorder time step
set recDT  [expr 2*$motionDT]

# record nodal displacment, acceleration, and porepressure
# recorder Node -file acceleration.out -time -dT $recDT -nodeRange 1 $nNodeT -dof 1 accel
recorder Node -file displacement.out -time -dT $recDT -nodeRange 1 $nNodeT -dof 1 disp
# recorder Node -file velocity.out 	 -time -dT $recDT -nodeRange 1 $nNodeT -dof 1 vel
recorder Node -file porePressure.out -time -dT $recDT -nodeRange 1 $nNodeT -dof 3 vel

# record stress and strain in the soil elements (Only 1 Gauss Point)
recorder Element	-eleRange	1	$nElemT  -time -dT $recDT -file Stress.out stress
recorder Element	-eleRange	1	$nElemT  -time -dT $recDT -file Strain.out strain
puts "Finished creating all recorders..."

#  10. DYNAMIC ANALYSIS												      	  #

# Reassign problem domain (2D with 3 DoF)
model BasicBuilder -ndm 2 -ndf 3

# define constant scaling factor for applied velocity 
# Outcrop motion with elastic base
set scaleFactor 1.2
set cFactor [expr 2.0*$colArea*$dashpotCoeff*$scaleFactor]

# timeseries object for force history
set mSeries "Path -dt $motionDT -filePath $filePath -factor $cFactor"

# loading object
pattern Plain 10 $mSeries {
    load 1  1.0 0.0 0.0
puts "Dynamic loading created..."

constraints Transformation
test        NormDispIncr 1e-5 1000 1
algorithm   KrylovNewton
numberer    RCM
system      ProfileSPD
integrator  Newmark $gamma $beta
rayleigh    $a0 $a1 0.0 0.0
analysis    Transient

# RUN Non-linear Analysis with timestep reduction loop
set ok [analyze $nSteps  $dT]

# if analysis fails, reduce timestep and continue with analysis
if {$ok != 0} {
    puts "did not converge, reducing time step"
    set curTime  [getTime]
    set mTime $curTime
    puts "curTime: $curTime"
    set curStep  [expr $curTime/$dT]
    puts "curStep: $curStep"
    set rStep  [expr ($nSteps-$curStep)*2.0]
    set remStep  [expr int(($nSteps-$curStep)*2.0)]
    puts "remStep: $remStep"
    set dT       [expr $dT/2.0]
    puts "dT: $dT"

    set ok [analyze  $remStep  $dT]

    # if analysis fails again, reduce timestep and continue with analysis
    if {$ok != 0} {
        puts "did not converge, reducing time step"
        set curTime  [getTime]
        puts "curTime: $curTime"
        set curStep  [expr ($curTime-$mTime)/$dT]
        puts "curStep: $curStep"
        set remStep  [expr int(($rStep-$curStep)*2.0)]
        puts "remStep: $remStep"
        set dT       [expr $dT/2.0]
        puts "dT: $dT"

        analyze  $remStep  $dT

#  11. DIFFUSSION ANALYSIS												      	  #

set pi      3.141592654
# natural frequency of soil column
set fn $fn
# critical damping ratio
set dampAft    0.9
# lower angular frequency
set omega1Aft  [expr 2 * $pi * $fn]
puts "Lower Frequency = $omega1"
# upper angular frequency (5.0 is obtained from iteration)
set omega2Aft  [expr 2 * $pi * (5.0*$fn)]
puts "Higher Frequency = $omega2"
# Rayleigh damping coefficients
set a0Aft      [expr 2*$dampAft*$omega1Aft*$omega2Aft/($omega1Aft + $omega2Aft)]
set a1Aft      [expr 2*$dampAft/($omega1Aft + $omega2Aft)]

puts "damping coefficients: a_0 = $a0;  a_1 = $a1"
puts "number of steps in analysis: $nSteps"
puts "analysis time step: $dT"

# delta time for analysis
set dT 0.01

# number of steps in analysis
set nSteps [expr int(40 / $dT)]

# Reassign problem domain (2D with 3 DoF)
model BasicBuilder -ndm 2 -ndf 3

constraints Transformation
test        NormDispIncr 1e-5 100 1
algorithm   KrylovNewton
numberer    RCM
system      ProfileSPD
integrator  Newmark $gamma $beta
rayleigh    $a0Aft $a1Aft 0.0 0.0
analysis    Transient

# RUN Non-linear Analysis with timestep reduction loop
set ok [analyze $nSteps  $dT]

# if analysis fails, reduce timestep and continue with analysis
if {$ok != 0} {
    puts "did not converge, reducing time step"
    set curTime  [getTime]
    set mTime $curTime
    puts "curTime: $curTime"
    set curStep  [expr $curTime/$dT]
    puts "curStep: $curStep"
    set rStep  [expr ($nSteps-$curStep)*2.0]
    set remStep  [expr int(($nSteps-$curStep)*2.0)]
    puts "remStep: $remStep"
    set dT       [expr $dT/2.0]
    puts "dT: $dT"

    set ok [analyze  $remStep  $dT]

    # if analysis fails again, reduce timestep and continue with analysis
    if {$ok != 0} {
        puts "did not converge, reducing time step"
        set curTime  [getTime]
        puts "curTime: $curTime"
        set curStep  [expr ($curTime-$mTime)/$dT]
        puts "curStep: $curStep"
        set remStep  [expr int(($rStep-$curStep)*2.0)]
        puts "remStep: $remStep"
        set dT       [expr $dT/2.0]
        puts "dT: $dT"

        analyze  $remStep  $dT

set endT    [clock seconds]
puts "Finished with dynamic analysis..."
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