Different behavior in sap2000 and opensees model
Moderators: silvia, selimgunay, Moderators
Different behavior in sap2000 and opensees model
I have a 5-story steel structure. its lateral resistance system is SCBF-MRF dual system.I have model it using concentrated plasticity based on Ibarra-Medina-Krawinkler model in opensees and sap2000. Although in case of 2D frame,there isn't any problem and push-over curves are coincident,but in case of 3D, hardening of opensees model is very very lower than sap model!it also is about strength.why?
In case of 3D,to constrain spring of brace,very hard elastic material is used in different directions.but in 2D model ,equalDOF is defined.
thank you very much!
I have a 5-story steel structure. its lateral resistance system is SCBF-MRF dual system.I have model it using concentrated plasticity based on Ibarra-Medina-Krawinkler model in opensees and sap2000. Although in case of 2D frame,there isn't any problem and push-over curves are coincident,but in case of 3D, hardening of opensees model is very very lower than sap model!it also is about strength.why?
In case of 3D,to constrain spring of brace,very hard elastic material is used in different directions.but in 2D model ,equalDOF is defined.
thank you very much!
- Posts: 917
- Joined: Mon Sep 09, 2013 8:50 pm
- Location: University of California, Berkeley
Re: Different behavior in sap2000 and opensees model
Do you define any moment-axial force interaction in SAP2000? Are you getting similar curves before yield?
Re: Different behavior in sap2000 and opensees model
yes I do,but in the same way in 2D frame,results are similar completely!
- Posts: 917
- Joined: Mon Sep 09, 2013 8:50 pm
- Location: University of California, Berkeley
Re: Different behavior in sap2000 and opensees model
An explicit moment-axial force interaction curve cannot be input in OpenSees, how do you consider that? That may be the reason of the difference.
Because you have differences in the pre-yield results, you might be having some other geometry differences as well. Please post your curves both for 2D and 3D.
Because you have differences in the pre-yield results, you might be having some other geometry differences as well. Please post your curves both for 2D and 3D.
Re: Different behavior in sap2000 and opensees model
As you said,I can just add axial hardening to moment response.I tried it,but it didn't affect on the behavior.
curve or code?I don't know how I post curve but below is my 2D model:
model basic -ndm 2 -ndf 3
file mkdir record
source DisplayModel2D.tcl; # procedure for displaying a 2D perspective of model
source DisplayPlane.tcl; # procedure for displaying a plane in a model
node 1 0. 0.
node 2 4. 0.
node 3 8. 0.
node 4 12. 0.
node 5 0. 3.2
node 6 4. 3.2
node 7 8. 3.2
node 8 12. 3.2
node 9 6. 3.2
##pinned joint
node 10 0. 3.2
node 11 4. 3.2
node 12 8. 3.2
node 13 12. 3.2
#node 14 6. 3.2
#node 15 4. 0.
#node 16 8. 0.
#####plastic node
node 20 4. 0.
node 2000 4. 0.
node 30 8. 0.
node 3000 8. 0.
node 60 4. 3.2
node 600 4. 3.2
node 70 8. 3.2
node 700 8. 3.2
node 9001 6. 3.2
node 9002 6. 3.2
fix 1 1 1 0
fix 2 1 1 1
fix 3 1 1 1
fix 4 1 1 0
equalDOF 5 10 1 2
equalDOF 6 11 1 2
equalDOF 7 12 1 2
equalDOF 8 13 1 2
equalDOF 2 15 1 2
equalDOF 3 16 1 2
equalDOF 9 14 1 2
equalDOF 2 20 1 2
#equalDOF 2 2000 1 2
equalDOF 3 30 1 2
#equalDOF 3 3000 1 2
equalDOF 6 60 1 2
equalDOF 6 600 1 2
equalDOF 7 70 1 2
equalDOF 7 700 1 2
#equalDOF 9 9001 1 2
#equalDOF 9 9002 1 2
#equalDOF 1001 1002 1 2
#equalDOF 1003 1004 1 2
rigidLink beam 5 6 9 7 8
mass 5 50. 1.e-9 1.e-9
mass 6 50. 1.e-9 1.e-9
mass 7 50. 1.e-9 1.e-9
mass 8 50. 1.e-9 1.e-9
#################### element
geomTransf PDelta 1
#box 120x10
element elasticBeamColumn 1 1 5 4.4e-3 2.1e11 8.947e-6 1
element elasticBeamColumn 4 4 8 4.4e-3 2.1e11 8.947e-6 1
#box 240x40
element elasticBeamColumn 2 20 60 0.032 2.1e11 2.219e-4 1
element elasticBeamColumn 3 30 70 0.032 2.1e11 2.219e-4 1
#IPE 220
element elasticBeamColumn 5 10 11 3.34E-3 2.1e11 2.772E-5 1
element elasticBeamColumn 8 12 13 3.34E-3 2.1e11 2.772E-5 1
element elasticBeamColumn 6 600 9 0.0142 2.1e11 2.677E-4 1
element elasticBeamColumn 7 9 700 0.0142 2.1e11 2.677E-4 1
element elasticBeamColumn 9 2000 9001 1.984E-3 2.1e11 1.292E-6 1
element elasticBeamColumn 11 3000 9002 1.984E-3 2.1e11 1.292E-6 1
# display the model with the node numbers
DisplayModel2D NodeNumbers
##################### sec property
source rotSpring2DModIKModel.tcl;
source rotSpring2DModIKModelBrace.tcl;
# Define Section Properties and Elements
# define material properties
set Es 2.1e11; # steel Young's modulus
# define column section
set Acol 0.032; # cross-sectional area
set Icol 2.219e-4; # moment of inertia
set Mycol 826490.88; # yield moment
# define beam section for Floor 2 & 3
set Abeam 0.0142 ; # cross-sectional area (full section properties)
set Ibeam 2.677e-4; # moment of inertia (full section properties)
set Mybeam 540300.; # yield moment at plastic hinge location (i.e., My of RBS section, if used)
# define compression brace section
set Abrace 1.984E-3; # cross-sectional area
set Ibrace 1.292E-6; # moment of inertia
set Py_comp 166598.; # yield moment
# define tension brace section
set Py_ten 13914.; # yield moment at plastic hinge location (i.e., My of RBS section, if used)
set n 10.0; # stiffness multiplier for rotational spring
# calculate modified moment of inertia for elastic elements
set Icol_mod [expr $Icol*($n+1.0)/$n]; # modified moment of inertia for columns
set Ibeam_mod [expr $Ibeam*($n+1.0)/$n]; # modified moment of inertia for beams
set Ibrace_mod [expr $Ibrace*($n+1.0)/$n]
# calculate modified rotational stiffness for plastic hinge springs
set Ks_col [expr $n*6.0*$Es*$Icol_mod/3.2]; # rotational stiffness of Story column springs
set Ks_beam [expr $n*6.0*$Es*$Ibeam_mod/4.]; # rotational stiffness of Floor beam springs
set Ks_brace [expr $n*6.0*$Es*$Ibrace_mod/3.77]; # rotational stiffness of springs
# Define Rotational Springs for Plastic Hinges
set McMy 1.26999; # ratio of capping moment to yield moment, Mc / My
set LS 1000.0; # basic strength deterioration (a very large # = no cyclic deterioration)
set LK 1000.0; # unloading stiffness deterioration (a very large # = no cyclic deterioration)
set LA 1000.0; # accelerated reloading stiffness deterioration (a very large # = no cyclic deterioration)
set LD 1000.0; # post-capping strength deterioration (a very large # = no deterioration)
set cS 1.0; # exponent for basic strength deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set cK 1.0; # exponent for unloading stiffness deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set cA 1.0; # exponent for accelerated reloading stiffness deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set cD 1.0; # exponent for post-capping strength deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set th_pP 0.064; # plastic rot capacity for pos loading
set th_pN 0.064; # plastic rot capacity for neg loading
set th_pcP 0.016; # post-capping rot capacity for pos loading
set th_pcN 0.016; # post-capping rot capacity for neg loading
set ResP 0.599; # residual strength ratio for pos loading
set ResN 0.599; # residual strength ratio for neg loading
set th_uP 0.088; # ultimate rot capacity for pos loading
set th_uN 0.088; # ultimate rot capacity for neg loading
set DP 1.0; # rate of cyclic deterioration for pos loading
set DN 1.0; # rate of cyclic deterioration for neg loading
set a_mem [expr ($n+1.0)*($Mycol*($McMy-1.0)) / ($Ks_col*$th_pP)]; # strain hardening ratio of spring
set b [expr ($a_mem)/(1.0+$n*(1.0-$a_mem))]; # modified strain hardening ratio of spring (Ibarra & Krawinkler 2005, note: Eqn B.5 is incorrect)
# define column springs
rotSpring2DModIKModel 13 2 20 $Ks_col $b $b $Mycol [expr -$Mycol] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModel 14 6 60 $Ks_col $b $b $Mycol [expr -$Mycol] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
#2nd col springs
rotSpring2DModIKModel 15 3 30 $Ks_col $b $b $Mycol [expr -$Mycol] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModel 26 7 70 $Ks_col $b $b $Mycol [expr -$Mycol] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
# create region for frame column springs
# command: region $regionID -ele $ele_1_ID $ele_2_ID...
region 1 -ele 13 14 15 16
# define beam springs
set McMy 1.27; # ratio of capping moment to yield moment, Mc / My
set LS 1000.0; # basic strength deterioration (a very large # = no cyclic deterioration)
set LK 1000.0; # unloading stiffness deterioration (a very large # = no cyclic deterioration)
set LA 1000.0; # accelerated reloading stiffness deterioration (a very large # = no cyclic deterioration)
set LD 1000.0; # post-capping strength deterioration (a very large # = no deterioration)
set cS 1.0; # exponent for basic strength deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set cK 1.0; # exponent for unloading stiffness deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set cA 1.0; # exponent for accelerated reloading stiffness deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set cD 1.0; # exponent for post-capping strength deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set th_pP 0.0512; # plastic rot capacity for pos loading
set th_pN 0.0512; # plastic rot capacity for neg loading
set th_pcP 0.0128; # post-capping rot capacity for pos loading
set th_pcN 0.0128; # post-capping rot capacity for neg loading
set ResP 0.6; # residual strength ratio for pos loading
set ResN 0.6; # residual strength ratio for neg loading
set th_uP 0.0704; # ultimate rot capacity for pos loading
set th_uN 0.0704; # ultimate rot capacity for neg loading
set DP 1.0; # rate of cyclic deterioration for pos loading
set DN 1.0; # rate of cyclic deterioration for neg loading
set a_mem [expr ($n+1.0)*($Mybeam*($McMy-1.0)) / ($Ks_beam*$th_pP)]; # strain hardening ratio of spring
set b [expr ($a_mem)/(1.0+$n*(1.0-$a_mem))]; # modified strain hardening ratio of spring (Ibarra & Krawinkler 2005, note: Eqn B.5 is incorrect)
#beam spring
rotSpring2DModIKModel 17 6 600 $Ks_beam $b $b $Mybeam [expr -$Mybeam] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModel 18 7 700 $Ks_beam $b $b $Mybeam [expr -$Mybeam] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
# create region for beam springs
region 2 -ele 17 18;
# define tension brace springs
set PcPy 1.33; # ratio of capping moment to yield moment, Mc / My
set LS 1000.0; # basic strength deterioration (a very large # = no cyclic deterioration)
set LK 1000.0; # unloading stiffness deterioration (a very large # = no cyclic deterioration)
set LA 1000.0; # accelerated reloading stiffness deterioration (a very large # = no cyclic deterioration)
set LD 1000.0; # post-capping strength deterioration (a very large # = no deterioration)
set cS 1.0; # exponent for basic strength deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set cK 1.0; # exponent for unloading stiffness deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set cA 1.0; # exponent for accelerated reloading stiffness deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set cD 1.0; # exponent for post-capping strength deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set th_pP 0.00125; # plastic rot capacity for pos loading
set th_pN 0.00125; # plastic rot capacity for neg loading
set th_pcP 0.000375; # post-capping rot capacity for pos loading
set th_pcN 0.000375; # post-capping rot capacity for neg loading
set ResP 0.8; # residual strength ratio for pos loading
set ResN 0.8; # residual strength ratio for neg loading
set th_uP 0.00175; # ultimate rot capacity for pos loading
set th_uN 0.00175; # ultimate rot capacity for neg loading
set DP 1.0; # rate of cyclic deterioration for pos loading
set DN 1.0; # rate of cyclic deterioration for neg loading
set a_mem [expr ($n+1.0)*($Py_ten*($PcPy-1.0)) / ($Ks_brace*$th_pP)]; # strain hardening ratio of spring
set b [expr ($a_mem)/(1.0+$n*(1.0-$a_mem))]; # modified strain hardening ratio of spring (Ibarra & Krawinkler 2005, note: Eqn B.5 is incorrect)
#brace springs
rotSpring2DModIKModelBrace 19 2 2000 $Ks_brace $b $b $Py_ten [expr -$Py_ten] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModelBrace 20 9 9001 $Ks_brace $b $b $Py_ten [expr -$Py_ten] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
# create region for brace springs
region 3 -ele 19 20;
# define compression brace springs
set PcPy 1.015; # ratio of capping moment to yield moment, Mc / My
set LS 1000.0; # basic strength deterioration (a very large # = no cyclic deterioration)
set LK 1000.0; # unloading stiffness deterioration (a very large # = no cyclic deterioration)
set LA 1000.0; # accelerated reloading stiffness deterioration (a very large # = no cyclic deterioration)
set LD 1000.0; # post-capping strength deterioration (a very large # = no deterioration)
set cS 1.0; # exponent for basic strength deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set cK 1.0; # exponent for unloading stiffness deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set cA 1.0; # exponent for accelerated reloading stiffness deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set cD 1.0; # exponent for post-capping strength deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set th_pP -0.00075; # plastic rot capacity for pos loading
set th_pN -0.00075; # plastic rot capacity for neg loading
set th_pcP 0.01275; # post-capping rot capacity for pos loading
set th_pcN 0.01275; # post-capping rot capacity for neg loading
set ResP 0.3; # residual strength ratio for pos loading
set ResN 0.3; # residual strength ratio for neg loading
set th_uP 0.0135; # ultimate rot capacity for pos loading
set th_uN 0.0135; # ultimate rot capacity for neg loading
set DP 1.0; # rate of cyclic deterioration for pos loading
set DN 1.0; # rate of cyclic deterioration for neg loading
set a_mem [expr ($n+1.0)*($Py_comp*($PcPy-1.0)) / ($Ks_brace*$th_pP)]; # strain hardening ratio of spring
set b [expr ($a_mem)/(1.0+$n*(1.0-$a_mem))]; # modified strain hardening ratio of spring (Ibarra & Krawinkler 2005, note: Eqn B.5 is incorrect)
#brace springs
rotSpring2DModIKModelBrace 21 3 3000 $Ks_brace $b $b $Py_comp [expr -$Py_comp] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModelBrace 22 9 9002 $Ks_brace $b $b $Py_comp [expr -$Py_comp] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
# create region for brace springs
region 4 -ele 21 22;
set Arigid 1000.0; # define area of truss section (make much larger than A of frame elements)
set Irigid 100000.0; # moment of inertia for p-delta columns (make much larger than I of frame elements)
uniaxialMaterial Elastic 1 2.1E11
element truss 100 5 8 $Arigid 1;
eigen 1 ;
set T1model [expr 2*3.1416/(pow([eigen 1],0.5))]
puts "T1model=[expr $T1model]sec"
############### GRAVITY
pattern Plain 1 Linear {
eleLoad -ele 5 6 7 8 -type -beamUniform -14575.
constraints Transformation
numberer Plain
system BandGeneral
test EnergyIncr 1.e-6 100
algorithm Newton
integrator LoadControl 0.1
analysis Static
analyze 10
loadConst -time 0.0
eigen 1 ;
set Tg [expr 2*3.1416/(pow([eigen 1],0.5))]
puts "Tg=[expr $Tg]sec"
############################ RECORDER
recorder Node -file record/node9disp.out -time -node 9 -dof 1 2 3 disp
recorder Node -file record/Vbase.out -time -node 1 20 2000 30 3000 4 -dof 1 reaction
################# PUSH
pattern Plain 2 Linear {
load 9 170500. 0. 0.
constraints Transformation
numberer RCM
system BandGeneral
test NormDispIncr 1.e-2 2000
algorithm KrylovNewton
integrator DisplacementControl 9 1 [expr 0.30/1000];
analysis Static
analyze 1000
puts "PUSH done!"
3d model is too big,if it's necessary,I put summary of code?
Thank you so much to your following!
curve or code?I don't know how I post curve but below is my 2D model:
model basic -ndm 2 -ndf 3
file mkdir record
source DisplayModel2D.tcl; # procedure for displaying a 2D perspective of model
source DisplayPlane.tcl; # procedure for displaying a plane in a model
node 1 0. 0.
node 2 4. 0.
node 3 8. 0.
node 4 12. 0.
node 5 0. 3.2
node 6 4. 3.2
node 7 8. 3.2
node 8 12. 3.2
node 9 6. 3.2
##pinned joint
node 10 0. 3.2
node 11 4. 3.2
node 12 8. 3.2
node 13 12. 3.2
#node 14 6. 3.2
#node 15 4. 0.
#node 16 8. 0.
#####plastic node
node 20 4. 0.
node 2000 4. 0.
node 30 8. 0.
node 3000 8. 0.
node 60 4. 3.2
node 600 4. 3.2
node 70 8. 3.2
node 700 8. 3.2
node 9001 6. 3.2
node 9002 6. 3.2
fix 1 1 1 0
fix 2 1 1 1
fix 3 1 1 1
fix 4 1 1 0
equalDOF 5 10 1 2
equalDOF 6 11 1 2
equalDOF 7 12 1 2
equalDOF 8 13 1 2
equalDOF 2 15 1 2
equalDOF 3 16 1 2
equalDOF 9 14 1 2
equalDOF 2 20 1 2
#equalDOF 2 2000 1 2
equalDOF 3 30 1 2
#equalDOF 3 3000 1 2
equalDOF 6 60 1 2
equalDOF 6 600 1 2
equalDOF 7 70 1 2
equalDOF 7 700 1 2
#equalDOF 9 9001 1 2
#equalDOF 9 9002 1 2
#equalDOF 1001 1002 1 2
#equalDOF 1003 1004 1 2
rigidLink beam 5 6 9 7 8
mass 5 50. 1.e-9 1.e-9
mass 6 50. 1.e-9 1.e-9
mass 7 50. 1.e-9 1.e-9
mass 8 50. 1.e-9 1.e-9
#################### element
geomTransf PDelta 1
#box 120x10
element elasticBeamColumn 1 1 5 4.4e-3 2.1e11 8.947e-6 1
element elasticBeamColumn 4 4 8 4.4e-3 2.1e11 8.947e-6 1
#box 240x40
element elasticBeamColumn 2 20 60 0.032 2.1e11 2.219e-4 1
element elasticBeamColumn 3 30 70 0.032 2.1e11 2.219e-4 1
#IPE 220
element elasticBeamColumn 5 10 11 3.34E-3 2.1e11 2.772E-5 1
element elasticBeamColumn 8 12 13 3.34E-3 2.1e11 2.772E-5 1
element elasticBeamColumn 6 600 9 0.0142 2.1e11 2.677E-4 1
element elasticBeamColumn 7 9 700 0.0142 2.1e11 2.677E-4 1
element elasticBeamColumn 9 2000 9001 1.984E-3 2.1e11 1.292E-6 1
element elasticBeamColumn 11 3000 9002 1.984E-3 2.1e11 1.292E-6 1
# display the model with the node numbers
DisplayModel2D NodeNumbers
##################### sec property
source rotSpring2DModIKModel.tcl;
source rotSpring2DModIKModelBrace.tcl;
# Define Section Properties and Elements
# define material properties
set Es 2.1e11; # steel Young's modulus
# define column section
set Acol 0.032; # cross-sectional area
set Icol 2.219e-4; # moment of inertia
set Mycol 826490.88; # yield moment
# define beam section for Floor 2 & 3
set Abeam 0.0142 ; # cross-sectional area (full section properties)
set Ibeam 2.677e-4; # moment of inertia (full section properties)
set Mybeam 540300.; # yield moment at plastic hinge location (i.e., My of RBS section, if used)
# define compression brace section
set Abrace 1.984E-3; # cross-sectional area
set Ibrace 1.292E-6; # moment of inertia
set Py_comp 166598.; # yield moment
# define tension brace section
set Py_ten 13914.; # yield moment at plastic hinge location (i.e., My of RBS section, if used)
set n 10.0; # stiffness multiplier for rotational spring
# calculate modified moment of inertia for elastic elements
set Icol_mod [expr $Icol*($n+1.0)/$n]; # modified moment of inertia for columns
set Ibeam_mod [expr $Ibeam*($n+1.0)/$n]; # modified moment of inertia for beams
set Ibrace_mod [expr $Ibrace*($n+1.0)/$n]
# calculate modified rotational stiffness for plastic hinge springs
set Ks_col [expr $n*6.0*$Es*$Icol_mod/3.2]; # rotational stiffness of Story column springs
set Ks_beam [expr $n*6.0*$Es*$Ibeam_mod/4.]; # rotational stiffness of Floor beam springs
set Ks_brace [expr $n*6.0*$Es*$Ibrace_mod/3.77]; # rotational stiffness of springs
# Define Rotational Springs for Plastic Hinges
set McMy 1.26999; # ratio of capping moment to yield moment, Mc / My
set LS 1000.0; # basic strength deterioration (a very large # = no cyclic deterioration)
set LK 1000.0; # unloading stiffness deterioration (a very large # = no cyclic deterioration)
set LA 1000.0; # accelerated reloading stiffness deterioration (a very large # = no cyclic deterioration)
set LD 1000.0; # post-capping strength deterioration (a very large # = no deterioration)
set cS 1.0; # exponent for basic strength deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set cK 1.0; # exponent for unloading stiffness deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set cA 1.0; # exponent for accelerated reloading stiffness deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set cD 1.0; # exponent for post-capping strength deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set th_pP 0.064; # plastic rot capacity for pos loading
set th_pN 0.064; # plastic rot capacity for neg loading
set th_pcP 0.016; # post-capping rot capacity for pos loading
set th_pcN 0.016; # post-capping rot capacity for neg loading
set ResP 0.599; # residual strength ratio for pos loading
set ResN 0.599; # residual strength ratio for neg loading
set th_uP 0.088; # ultimate rot capacity for pos loading
set th_uN 0.088; # ultimate rot capacity for neg loading
set DP 1.0; # rate of cyclic deterioration for pos loading
set DN 1.0; # rate of cyclic deterioration for neg loading
set a_mem [expr ($n+1.0)*($Mycol*($McMy-1.0)) / ($Ks_col*$th_pP)]; # strain hardening ratio of spring
set b [expr ($a_mem)/(1.0+$n*(1.0-$a_mem))]; # modified strain hardening ratio of spring (Ibarra & Krawinkler 2005, note: Eqn B.5 is incorrect)
# define column springs
rotSpring2DModIKModel 13 2 20 $Ks_col $b $b $Mycol [expr -$Mycol] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModel 14 6 60 $Ks_col $b $b $Mycol [expr -$Mycol] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
#2nd col springs
rotSpring2DModIKModel 15 3 30 $Ks_col $b $b $Mycol [expr -$Mycol] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModel 26 7 70 $Ks_col $b $b $Mycol [expr -$Mycol] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
# create region for frame column springs
# command: region $regionID -ele $ele_1_ID $ele_2_ID...
region 1 -ele 13 14 15 16
# define beam springs
set McMy 1.27; # ratio of capping moment to yield moment, Mc / My
set LS 1000.0; # basic strength deterioration (a very large # = no cyclic deterioration)
set LK 1000.0; # unloading stiffness deterioration (a very large # = no cyclic deterioration)
set LA 1000.0; # accelerated reloading stiffness deterioration (a very large # = no cyclic deterioration)
set LD 1000.0; # post-capping strength deterioration (a very large # = no deterioration)
set cS 1.0; # exponent for basic strength deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set cK 1.0; # exponent for unloading stiffness deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set cA 1.0; # exponent for accelerated reloading stiffness deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set cD 1.0; # exponent for post-capping strength deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set th_pP 0.0512; # plastic rot capacity for pos loading
set th_pN 0.0512; # plastic rot capacity for neg loading
set th_pcP 0.0128; # post-capping rot capacity for pos loading
set th_pcN 0.0128; # post-capping rot capacity for neg loading
set ResP 0.6; # residual strength ratio for pos loading
set ResN 0.6; # residual strength ratio for neg loading
set th_uP 0.0704; # ultimate rot capacity for pos loading
set th_uN 0.0704; # ultimate rot capacity for neg loading
set DP 1.0; # rate of cyclic deterioration for pos loading
set DN 1.0; # rate of cyclic deterioration for neg loading
set a_mem [expr ($n+1.0)*($Mybeam*($McMy-1.0)) / ($Ks_beam*$th_pP)]; # strain hardening ratio of spring
set b [expr ($a_mem)/(1.0+$n*(1.0-$a_mem))]; # modified strain hardening ratio of spring (Ibarra & Krawinkler 2005, note: Eqn B.5 is incorrect)
#beam spring
rotSpring2DModIKModel 17 6 600 $Ks_beam $b $b $Mybeam [expr -$Mybeam] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModel 18 7 700 $Ks_beam $b $b $Mybeam [expr -$Mybeam] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
# create region for beam springs
region 2 -ele 17 18;
# define tension brace springs
set PcPy 1.33; # ratio of capping moment to yield moment, Mc / My
set LS 1000.0; # basic strength deterioration (a very large # = no cyclic deterioration)
set LK 1000.0; # unloading stiffness deterioration (a very large # = no cyclic deterioration)
set LA 1000.0; # accelerated reloading stiffness deterioration (a very large # = no cyclic deterioration)
set LD 1000.0; # post-capping strength deterioration (a very large # = no deterioration)
set cS 1.0; # exponent for basic strength deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set cK 1.0; # exponent for unloading stiffness deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set cA 1.0; # exponent for accelerated reloading stiffness deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set cD 1.0; # exponent for post-capping strength deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set th_pP 0.00125; # plastic rot capacity for pos loading
set th_pN 0.00125; # plastic rot capacity for neg loading
set th_pcP 0.000375; # post-capping rot capacity for pos loading
set th_pcN 0.000375; # post-capping rot capacity for neg loading
set ResP 0.8; # residual strength ratio for pos loading
set ResN 0.8; # residual strength ratio for neg loading
set th_uP 0.00175; # ultimate rot capacity for pos loading
set th_uN 0.00175; # ultimate rot capacity for neg loading
set DP 1.0; # rate of cyclic deterioration for pos loading
set DN 1.0; # rate of cyclic deterioration for neg loading
set a_mem [expr ($n+1.0)*($Py_ten*($PcPy-1.0)) / ($Ks_brace*$th_pP)]; # strain hardening ratio of spring
set b [expr ($a_mem)/(1.0+$n*(1.0-$a_mem))]; # modified strain hardening ratio of spring (Ibarra & Krawinkler 2005, note: Eqn B.5 is incorrect)
#brace springs
rotSpring2DModIKModelBrace 19 2 2000 $Ks_brace $b $b $Py_ten [expr -$Py_ten] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModelBrace 20 9 9001 $Ks_brace $b $b $Py_ten [expr -$Py_ten] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
# create region for brace springs
region 3 -ele 19 20;
# define compression brace springs
set PcPy 1.015; # ratio of capping moment to yield moment, Mc / My
set LS 1000.0; # basic strength deterioration (a very large # = no cyclic deterioration)
set LK 1000.0; # unloading stiffness deterioration (a very large # = no cyclic deterioration)
set LA 1000.0; # accelerated reloading stiffness deterioration (a very large # = no cyclic deterioration)
set LD 1000.0; # post-capping strength deterioration (a very large # = no deterioration)
set cS 1.0; # exponent for basic strength deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set cK 1.0; # exponent for unloading stiffness deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set cA 1.0; # exponent for accelerated reloading stiffness deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set cD 1.0; # exponent for post-capping strength deterioration (c = 1.0 for no deterioration)
set th_pP -0.00075; # plastic rot capacity for pos loading
set th_pN -0.00075; # plastic rot capacity for neg loading
set th_pcP 0.01275; # post-capping rot capacity for pos loading
set th_pcN 0.01275; # post-capping rot capacity for neg loading
set ResP 0.3; # residual strength ratio for pos loading
set ResN 0.3; # residual strength ratio for neg loading
set th_uP 0.0135; # ultimate rot capacity for pos loading
set th_uN 0.0135; # ultimate rot capacity for neg loading
set DP 1.0; # rate of cyclic deterioration for pos loading
set DN 1.0; # rate of cyclic deterioration for neg loading
set a_mem [expr ($n+1.0)*($Py_comp*($PcPy-1.0)) / ($Ks_brace*$th_pP)]; # strain hardening ratio of spring
set b [expr ($a_mem)/(1.0+$n*(1.0-$a_mem))]; # modified strain hardening ratio of spring (Ibarra & Krawinkler 2005, note: Eqn B.5 is incorrect)
#brace springs
rotSpring2DModIKModelBrace 21 3 3000 $Ks_brace $b $b $Py_comp [expr -$Py_comp] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModelBrace 22 9 9002 $Ks_brace $b $b $Py_comp [expr -$Py_comp] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
# create region for brace springs
region 4 -ele 21 22;
set Arigid 1000.0; # define area of truss section (make much larger than A of frame elements)
set Irigid 100000.0; # moment of inertia for p-delta columns (make much larger than I of frame elements)
uniaxialMaterial Elastic 1 2.1E11
element truss 100 5 8 $Arigid 1;
eigen 1 ;
set T1model [expr 2*3.1416/(pow([eigen 1],0.5))]
puts "T1model=[expr $T1model]sec"
############### GRAVITY
pattern Plain 1 Linear {
eleLoad -ele 5 6 7 8 -type -beamUniform -14575.
constraints Transformation
numberer Plain
system BandGeneral
test EnergyIncr 1.e-6 100
algorithm Newton
integrator LoadControl 0.1
analysis Static
analyze 10
loadConst -time 0.0
eigen 1 ;
set Tg [expr 2*3.1416/(pow([eigen 1],0.5))]
puts "Tg=[expr $Tg]sec"
############################ RECORDER
recorder Node -file record/node9disp.out -time -node 9 -dof 1 2 3 disp
recorder Node -file record/Vbase.out -time -node 1 20 2000 30 3000 4 -dof 1 reaction
################# PUSH
pattern Plain 2 Linear {
load 9 170500. 0. 0.
constraints Transformation
numberer RCM
system BandGeneral
test NormDispIncr 1.e-2 2000
algorithm KrylovNewton
integrator DisplacementControl 9 1 [expr 0.30/1000];
analysis Static
analyze 1000
puts "PUSH done!"
3d model is too big,if it's necessary,I put summary of code?
Thank you so much to your following!
Last edited by ashf on Sat Jun 03, 2017 12:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Posts: 917
- Joined: Mon Sep 09, 2013 8:50 pm
- Location: University of California, Berkeley
Re: Different behavior in sap2000 and opensees model
Your script for 2D looks fine. But that is not the problem anyways. Your problem is to obtain different pushover curves from OpenSees and SAP2000 with your 3D model both in the pre- and post-yield ranges. You may be applying forces differently. Your center of mass node coordinates may be different, you may not be assigning a rigid diaphragm in one of the software and there may be other reasons. Since you don't have any problems in 2D and problems arise in 3D, the reason might be one of those that I mention above.
Re: Different behavior in sap2000 and opensees model
many thanks for your helping!
Re: Different behavior in sap2000 and opensees model
I couldn't find the problem in 3D model unfortunately,In addition I can't see strength degredation in the OPENSEES curve too!
I'll be grateful in the event that anybody can help me!
Here is script for 3D one story model(3X3-bay):
model basic -ndm 3 -ndf 6
file mkdir Record
source RotSpring3DModIKModelBeam_xz.tcl
source RotSpring3DModIKModelBeam_yz.tcl
source rotSpring3DModIKModelCol.tcl
source RotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_xz_p.tcl
source RotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_xz_n.tcl
source RotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_yz_p.tcl
source RotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_yz_n.tcl
node 1000 0. 0. 0.
node 1100 4. 0. 0.
node 1200 8. 0. 0.
node 1300 12. 0. 0.
node 1010 0. 4. 0.
node 1110 4. 4. 0.
node 1210 8. 4. 0.
node 1310 12. 4. 0.
node 1020 0. 8. 0.
node 1120 4. 8. 0.
node 1220 8. 8. 0.
node 1320 12. 8. 0.
node 1030 0. 12. 0.
node 1130 4. 12. 0.
node 1230 8. 12. 0.
node 1330 12. 12. 0.
############## floor 1
node 1001 0. 0. 3.2
node 1101 4. 0. 3.2
node 1201 8. 0. 3.2
node 1301 12. 0. 3.2
node 1011 0. 4. 3.2
node 1111 4. 4. 3.2
node 1211 8. 4. 3.2
node 1311 12. 4. 3.2
node 1021 0. 8. 3.2
node 1121 4. 8. 3.2
node 1221 8. 8. 3.2
node 1321 12. 8. 3.2
node 1031 0. 12. 3.2
node 1131 4. 12. 3.2
node 1231 8. 12. 3.2
node 1331 12. 12. 3.2
node 1731 2. 12. 3.2
node 1801 10. 0. 3.2
node 1081 0. 10. 3.2
node 1371 12. 2. 3.2
####### added node for pinned-joint and plastic hinge of beams
node 2001 0. 0. 3.2
node 3001 0. 0. 3.2
node 2101 4. 0. 3.2
node 3101 4. 0. 3.2
node 4101 4. 0. 3.2
node 2201 8. 0. 3.2
node 3201 8. 0. 3.2
node 4201 8. 0. 3.2
node 3301 12. 0. 3.2
node 4301 12. 0. 3.2
node 2011 0. 4. 3.2
node 3011 0. 4. 3.2
node 5011 0. 4. 3.2
node 2111 4. 4. 3.2
node 3111 4. 4. 3.2
node 4111 4. 4. 3.2
node 5111 4. 4. 3.2
node 2211 8. 4. 3.2
node 3211 8. 4. 3.2
node 4211 8. 4. 3.2
node 5211 8. 4. 3.2
node 3311 12. 4. 3.2
node 4311 12. 4. 3.2
node 5311 12. 4. 3.2
node 2021 0. 8. 3.2
node 3021 0. 8. 3.2
node 5021 0. 8. 3.2
node 2121 4. 8. 3.2
node 3121 4. 8. 3.2
node 4121 4. 8. 3.2
node 5121 4. 8. 3.2
node 2221 8. 8. 3.2
node 3221 8. 8. 3.2
node 4221 8. 8. 3.2
node 5221 8. 8. 3.2
node 3321 12. 8. 3.2
node 4321 12. 8. 3.2
node 5321 12. 8. 3.2
node 2031 0. 12. 3.2
node 5031 0. 12. 3.2
node 2131 4. 12. 3.2
node 4131 4. 12. 3.2
node 5131 4. 12. 3.2
node 2231 8. 12. 3.2
node 4231 8. 12. 3.2
node 5231 8. 12. 3.2
node 4331 12. 12. 3.2
node 5331 12. 12. 3.2
####################### added node for plastic hinge of columns
node 6000 0. 0. 0.
node 7001 0. 0. 3.2
node 6100 4. 0. 0.
node 7101 4. 0. 3.2
node 6010 0. 4. 0.
node 7011 0. 4. 3.2
node 6320 12. 8. 0.
node 7321 12. 8. 3.2
node 6230 8. 12. 0.
node 7231 8. 12. 3.2
node 6330 12. 12. 0.
node 7331 12. 12. 3.2
######## added node for plastic hinge of braces
node 8200 8. 0. 0.
node 9300 12. 0. 0.
node 8030 0. 12. 0.
node 9130 4. 12. 0.
node 8020 0. 8. 0.
node 9030 0. 12. 0.
node 8300 12. 0. 0.
node 9310 12. 4. 0.
node 10801 10. 0. 3.2
node 11801 10. 0. 3.2
node 10731 2. 12. 3.2
node 11731 2. 12. 3.2
node 10081 0. 10. 3.2
node 11081 0. 10. 3.2
node 10371 12. 2. 3.2
node 11371 12. 2. 3.2
fix 1000 1 1 1 1 1 1
fix 1100 1 1 1 1 1 1
fix 1200 1 1 1 0 0 0
fix 1300 1 1 1 0 0 0
fix 1010 1 1 1 1 1 1
fix 1110 1 1 1 0 0 0
fix 1210 1 1 1 0 0 0
fix 1310 1 1 1 0 0 0
fix 1020 1 1 1 0 0 0
fix 1120 1 1 1 0 0 0
fix 1220 1 1 1 0 0 0
fix 1320 1 1 1 1 1 1
fix 1030 1 1 1 0 0 0
fix 1130 1 1 1 0 0 0
fix 1230 1 1 1 1 1 1
fix 1330 1 1 1 1 1 1
########################################### pinned joint
equalDOF 1101 2101 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1101 3101 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1201 2201 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1201 3201 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1201 4201 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1301 3301 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1301 4301 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1011 2011 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1011 3011 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1111 2111 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1111 3111 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1111 4111 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1111 5111 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1211 2211 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1211 3211 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1211 4211 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1211 5211 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1311 3311 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1311 4311 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1311 5311 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1021 2021 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1021 3021 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1021 5021 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1121 2121 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1121 3121 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1121 4121 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1121 5121 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1221 2221 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1221 3221 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1221 4221 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1221 5221 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1321 4321 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1321 5321 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1031 2031 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1031 5031 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1131 2131 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1131 4131 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1131 5131 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1231 4231 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1231 5231 1 2 3 5 6
node 1991 6. 6. 3.2
#all main nodes with slave node of chevron
rigidDiaphragm 3 1991 1001 1101 1201 1301 1011 1111 1211 1311 1021 1121 1221 1321 1031 1131 1231 1331 1731 1801 1371 1081 1111 1211 1121 1221 10801 11801 10731 11731 10081 11081 10371 11371
fix 1991 0 0 1 1 1 0
mass 1991 208126.61 208126.61 1.e-9 1.e-9 1.e-9 1.e-9
set geomTransf_Beam_x 1
set geomTransf_Beam_y 2
set geomTransf_Column 3
set geomTransf_Brace_p_x 4
set geomTransf_Brace_n_x 5
set geomTransf_Brace_p_y 6
set geomTransf_Brace_n_y 7
geomTransf Linear $geomTransf_Beam_x 0. -1. 0.
geomTransf Linear $geomTransf_Beam_y 1. 0. 0.
geomTransf PDelta $geomTransf_Column -1. 0. 0.
geomTransf Linear $geomTransf_Brace_p_x 0. -1 0
geomTransf Linear $geomTransf_Brace_n_x 0 1 0
geomTransf Linear $geomTransf_Brace_p_y 1 0 0
geomTransf Linear $geomTransf_Brace_n_y -1 0 0
############################## BEAM
set n 10.0;
####IPE 270-x
element elasticBeamColumn 10011 2001 4101 0.00459 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.590e-7 [expr 4.2e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.790e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 1
element elasticBeamColumn 10111 2011 4111 0.00459 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.590e-7 [expr 4.2e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.790e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 1
element elasticBeamColumn 11111 2111 4211 0.00459 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.590e-7 [expr 4.2e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.790e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 1
element elasticBeamColumn 12111 2211 4311 0.00459 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.590e-7 [expr 4.2e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.790e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 1
element elasticBeamColumn 10211 2021 4121 0.00459 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.590e-7 [expr 4.2e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.790e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 1
element elasticBeamColumn 11211 2121 4221 0.00459 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.590e-7 [expr 4.2e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.790e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 1
element elasticBeamColumn 12211 2221 4321 0.00459 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.590e-7 [expr 4.2e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.790e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 1
element elasticBeamColumn 12311 2231 4331 0.00459 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.590e-7 [expr 4.2e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.790e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 1
####IPE 270-y
element elasticBeamColumn 10012 3001 5011 0.00459 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.590e-7 [expr 4.2e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.790e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 2
element elasticBeamColumn 11012 3101 5111 0.00459 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.590e-7 [expr 4.2e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.790e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 2
element elasticBeamColumn 11112 3111 5121 0.00459 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.590e-7 [expr 4.2e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.790e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 2
element elasticBeamColumn 11212 3121 5131 0.00459 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.590e-7 [expr 4.2e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.790e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 2
element elasticBeamColumn 12012 3201 5211 0.00459 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.590e-7 [expr 4.2e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.790e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 2
element elasticBeamColumn 12112 3211 5221 0.00459 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.590e-7 [expr 4.2e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.790e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 2
element elasticBeamColumn 12212 3221 5231 0.00459 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.590e-7 [expr 4.2e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.790e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 2
element elasticBeamColumn 13212 3321 5331 0.00459 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.590e-7 [expr 4.2e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.790e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 2
element elasticBeamColumn 11011 2101 4201 0.003340 2.1e11 8.1e10 9.030e-8 [expr 2.050e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 2.772e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 1
element elasticBeamColumn 11311 2131 4231 0.003340 2.1e11 8.1e10 9.030e-8 [expr 2.050e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 2.772e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 1
####IPE 220-y
element elasticBeamColumn 10112 3011 5021 0.003340 2.1e11 8.1e10 9.030e-8 [expr 2.050e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 2.772e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 2
element elasticBeamColumn 13112 3311 5321 0.003340 2.1e11 8.1e10 9.030e-8 [expr 2.050e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 2.772e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 2
element elasticBeamColumn 12011 2201 1801 0.0248 2.1e11 8.1e10 6.203e-6 [expr 1.352e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 6.829e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 1
element elasticBeamColumn 18011 1801 4301 0.0248 2.1e11 8.1e10 6.203e-6 [expr 1.352e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 6.829e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 1
element elasticBeamColumn 10311 2031 1731 0.0248 2.1e11 8.1e10 6.203e-6 [expr 1.352e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 6.829e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 1
element elasticBeamColumn 17311 1731 4131 0.0248 2.1e11 8.1e10 6.203e-6 [expr 1.352e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 6.829e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 1
element elasticBeamColumn 10212 3021 1081 0.0248 2.1e11 8.1e10 6.203e-6 [expr 1.352e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 6.829e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 2
element elasticBeamColumn 10812 1081 5031 0.0248 2.1e11 8.1e10 6.203e-6 [expr 1.352e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 6.829e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 2
element elasticBeamColumn 13012 3301 1371 0.0248 2.1e11 8.1e10 6.203e-6 [expr 1.352e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 6.829e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 2
element elasticBeamColumn 13712 1371 5311 0.0248 2.1e11 8.1e10 6.203e-6 [expr 1.352e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 6.829e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 2
##### box 300x40
element elasticBeamColumn 10003 6000 7001 0.0416 2.1e11 8.1e10 7.030e-4 [expr 4.79e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 4.79e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 3
element elasticBeamColumn 11003 6100 7101 0.0416 2.1e11 8.1e10 7.030e-4 [expr 4.79e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 4.79e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 3
element elasticBeamColumn 10103 6010 7011 0.0416 2.1e11 8.1e10 7.030e-4 [expr 4.79e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 4.79e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 3
element elasticBeamColumn 13203 6320 7321 0.0416 2.1e11 8.1e10 7.030e-4 [expr 4.79e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 4.79e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 3
element elasticBeamColumn 12303 6230 7231 0.0416 2.1e11 8.1e10 7.030e-4 [expr 4.79e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 4.79e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 3
element elasticBeamColumn 13303 6330 7331 0.0416 2.1e11 8.1e10 7.030e-4 [expr 4.79e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 4.79e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 3
##### box 340x25
element elasticBeamColumn 12003 1200 1201 0.0315 2.1e11 8.1e10 7.814e-4 [expr 5.242e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.242e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 3
element elasticBeamColumn 13003 1300 1301 0.0315 2.1e11 8.1e10 7.814e-4 [expr 5.242e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.242e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 3
element elasticBeamColumn 13103 1310 1311 0.0315 2.1e11 8.1e10 7.814e-4 [expr 5.242e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.242e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 3
element elasticBeamColumn 10203 1020 1021 0.0315 2.1e11 8.1e10 7.814e-4 [expr 5.242e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.242e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 3
element elasticBeamColumn 10303 1030 1031 0.0315 2.1e11 8.1e10 7.814e-4 [expr 5.242e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.242e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 3
element elasticBeamColumn 11303 1130 1131 0.0315 2.1e11 8.1e10 7.814e-4 [expr 5.242e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.242e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 3
##### box 900x10
element elasticBeamColumn 11103 1110 1111 3.2e-3 2.1e11 8.1e10 5.120e-6 [expr 3.467e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 3.467e-6*($n+1.)/$n] 3
element elasticBeamColumn 12103 1210 1211 3.2e-3 2.1e11 8.1e10 5.120e-6 [expr 3.467e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 3.467e-6*($n+1.)/$n] 3
element elasticBeamColumn 11203 1120 1121 3.2e-3 2.1e11 8.1e10 5.120e-6 [expr 3.467e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 3.467e-6*($n+1.)/$n] 3
element elasticBeamColumn 12203 1220 1221 3.2e-3 2.1e11 8.1e10 5.120e-6 [expr 3.467e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 3.467e-6*($n+1.)/$n] 3
element elasticBeamColumn 12004 8200 10801 1.984e-3 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.907e-6 [expr 1.292e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 1.292e-6*($n+1.)/$n] 4
element elasticBeamColumn 13005 9300 11801 1.984e-3 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.907e-6 [expr 1.292e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 1.292e-6*($n+1.)/$n] 5
element elasticBeamColumn 10304 8030 10731 1.984e-3 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.907e-6 [expr 1.292e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 1.292e-6*($n+1.)/$n] 4
element elasticBeamColumn 11305 9130 11731 1.984e-3 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.907e-6 [expr 1.292e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 1.292e-6*($n+1.)/$n] 5
element elasticBeamColumn 10204 8020 10081 1.984e-3 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.907e-6 [expr 1.292e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 1.292e-6*($n+1.)/$n] 6
element elasticBeamColumn 10305 9030 11081 1.984e-3 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.907e-6 [expr 1.292e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 1.292e-6*($n+1.)/$n] 7
element elasticBeamColumn 13004 8300 10371 1.984e-3 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.907e-6 [expr 1.292e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 1.292e-6*($n+1.)/$n] 6
element elasticBeamColumn 13105 9310 11371 1.984e-3 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.907e-6 [expr 1.292e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 1.292e-6*($n+1.)/$n] 7
# define material properties
set Es 2.1e11;
set Acol 0.0416;
set Icol 4.798e-4;
set Mycol 1157721.6;
set Abeam 0.00459 ;
set Ibeam 5.790e-5;
set Mybeam 145200.;
set Abrace 1.984e-3;
set Ibrace 1.292e-6;
set P_comp 166598.;
set P_ten 13914.;
set n 10.0;
set Icol_mod [expr $Icol*($n+1.0)/$n];
set Ibeam_mod [expr $Ibeam*($n+1.0)/$n];
set Ibrace_mod [expr $Ibrace*($n+1.0)/$n]
set Ks_col [expr $n*6.0*$Es*$Icol_mod/3.2];
set Ks_beam [expr $n*6.0*$Es*$Ibeam_mod/4.];
set Ks_brace [expr $n*6.0*$Es*$Ibrace_mod/3.77];
################## Define Rotational Springs for Plastic Hinges
set McMy 1.27;
set LS 1000.0;
set LK 1000.0;
set LA 1000.0;
set LD 1000.0;
set cS 1.0;
set cK 1.0;
set cA 1.0;
set cD 1.0;
set th_pP 0.0416;
set th_pN 0.0416;
set th_pcP 0.0104;
set th_pcN 0.0104;
set ResP 0.6;
set ResN 0.6;
set th_uP 0.0572;
set th_uN 0.0572;
set DP 1.0;
set DN 1.0;
set a_mem [expr ($n+1.0)*($Mycol*($McMy-1.0)) / ($Ks_col*$th_pP)];
set b [expr ($a_mem)/(1.0+$n*(1.0-$a_mem))];
rotSpring3DModIKModelCol 10006 1000 6000 $Ks_col $b $b $Mycol [expr -$Mycol] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelCol 10016 1001 7001 $Ks_col $b $b $Mycol [expr -$Mycol] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelCol 11006 1100 6100 $Ks_col $b $b $Mycol [expr -$Mycol] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelCol 11016 1101 7101 $Ks_col $b $b $Mycol [expr -$Mycol] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelCol 10106 1010 6010 $Ks_col $b $b $Mycol [expr -$Mycol] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelCol 10116 1011 7011 $Ks_col $b $b $Mycol [expr -$Mycol] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelCol 13206 1320 6320 $Ks_col $b $b $Mycol [expr -$Mycol] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelCol 13216 1321 7321 $Ks_col $b $b $Mycol [expr -$Mycol] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelCol 12306 1230 6230 $Ks_col $b $b $Mycol [expr -$Mycol] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelCol 12316 1231 7231 $Ks_col $b $b $Mycol [expr -$Mycol] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelCol 13306 1330 6330 $Ks_col $b $b $Mycol [expr -$Mycol] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelCol 13316 1331 7331 $Ks_col $b $b $Mycol [expr -$Mycol] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
########### BEAM
set th_pP 0.064;
set th_pN 0.064;
set th_pcP 0.016;
set th_pcN 0.016;
set ResP 0.6;
set ResN 0.6;
set th_uP 0.088;
set th_uN 0.088;
set a_mem [expr ($n+1.0)*($Mybeam*($McMy-1.0)) / ($Ks_beam*$th_pP)];
set b [expr ($a_mem)/(1.0+$n*(1.0-$a_mem))];
rotSpring3DModIKModelBeam_xz 10018 1001 2001 $Ks_beam $b $b $Mybeam [expr -$Mybeam] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBeam_xz 110110 1101 4101 $Ks_beam $b $b $Mybeam [expr -$Mybeam] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBeam_xz 12318 1231 2231 $Ks_beam $b $b $Mybeam [expr -$Mybeam] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBeam_xz 133110 1331 4331 $Ks_beam $b $b $Mybeam [expr -$Mybeam] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBeam_yz 10019 1001 3001 $Ks_beam $b $b $Mybeam [expr -$Mybeam] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBeam_yz 101111 1011 5011 $Ks_beam $b $b $Mybeam [expr -$Mybeam] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBeam_yz 13219 1321 3321 $Ks_beam $b $b $Mybeam [expr -$Mybeam] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBeam_yz 133111 1331 5331 $Ks_beam $b $b $Mybeam [expr -$Mybeam] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
# define tension brace springs
set PcPy 1.33;
set th_pP 0.00125;
set th_pN 0.00125;
set th_pcP 0.000375;
set th_pcN 0.000375;
set ResP 0.8;
set ResN 0.8;
set th_uP 0.00175;
set th_uN 0.00175;
set a_mem [expr ($n+1.0)*($P_ten *($PcPy-1.0)) / ($Ks_brace *$th_pP)];
set b [expr ($a_mem)/(1.0+$n*(1.0-$a_mem))];
#brace springs
rotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_xz_p 12008 1200 8200 $Ks_brace $b $b $P_ten [expr -$P_ten ] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_xz_p 18018 1801 10801 $Ks_brace $b $b $P_ten [expr -$P_ten ] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_xz_p 10308 1030 8030 $Ks_brace $b $b $P_ten [expr -$P_ten ] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_xz_p 17318 1731 10731 $Ks_brace $b $b $P_ten [expr -$P_ten ] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_yz_p 10208 1020 8020 $Ks_brace $b $b $P_ten [expr -$P_ten ] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_yz_p 10818 1081 10081 $Ks_brace $b $b $P_ten [expr -$P_ten ] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_yz_p 13008 1300 8300 $Ks_brace $b $b $P_ten [expr -$P_ten ] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_yz_p 13718 1371 10371 $Ks_brace $b $b $P_ten [expr -$P_ten ] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
# define compression brace springs
set PcPy 1.015;
set th_pP -0.00075;
set th_pN -0.00075;
set th_pcP 0.01275;
set th_pcN 0.01275;
set ResP 0.3;
set ResN 0.3;
set th_uP 0.0135;
set th_uN 0.0135;
set a_mem [expr ($n+1.0)*($P_comp*($PcPy-1.0)) / ($Ks_brace*$th_pP)];
set b [expr ($a_mem)/(1.0+$n*(1.0-$a_mem))];
#brace springs
rotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_xz_n 13009 1300 9300 $Ks_brace $b $b $P_comp [expr -$P_comp ] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_xz_n 18019 1801 11801 $Ks_brace $b $b $P_comp [expr -$P_comp ] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_xz_n 11309 1130 9130 $Ks_brace $b $b $P_comp [expr -$P_comp ] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_xz_n 17319 1731 11731 $Ks_brace $b $b $P_comp [expr -$P_comp ] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_yz_n 10309 1030 9030 $Ks_brace $b $b $P_comp [expr -$P_comp ] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_yz_n 10819 1081 11081 $Ks_brace $b $b $P_comp [expr -$P_comp ] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_yz_n 13109 1310 9310 $Ks_brace $b $b $P_comp [expr -$P_comp ] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_yz_n 13719 1371 11371 $Ks_brace $b $b $P_comp [expr -$P_comp ] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
puts "model done!"
set pi [expr 2*asin(1)]
eigen 1
set Tm [expr 2*$pi/pow([eigen 1],0.5)]
puts "Tm=$Tm sec"
# gravity load_______1.1(D+L)
pattern Plain 1 Linear {
load 1991 0. 0. -530. 0. 0. 0.
constraints Transformation
numberer RCM
system UmfPack -lValueFact 90
test NormDispIncr 1.e-2 1000
algorithm Newton
integrator LoadControl 0.1
analysis Static
analyze 10
loadConst -time 0.0
eigen 1
set Tg [expr 2*$pi/pow([eigen 1],0.5)]
puts "Tg=$Tg sec"
puts "gravity done!"
###################### Push Analysis
recorder Node -file Record/node1991disp2.out -time -node 1991 -dof 1 2 3 4 5 6 disp
recorder Node -file Record/Vbase2.out -time -node 6000 6100 8200 9300 8300 6010 1110 1210 9310 8020 1120 1220 6320 8030 9030 9130 6230 6330 -dof 1 reaction
pattern Plain 2 Linear {
load 1991 100. 30. 0. 0. 0. 0.
set IDctrlNode 1991
set IDctrlDOF 1
set Dmax 0.3
set Dincr .0001
constraints Transformation
numberer RCM
system BandGeneral
set Tol 1.e-2
set maxNumIter 1000
set printFlag 0
set TestType NormDispIncr
test $TestType $Tol $maxNumIter $printFlag
set algorithmType KrylovNewton
algorithm $algorithmType
integrator DisplacementControl $IDctrlNode $IDctrlDOF $Dincr
analysis Static
puts "running push...model_1chevron"
set Nsteps [expr int($Dmax/$Dincr)]; # number of pushover analysis steps
set ok [analyze $Nsteps]; # this will return zero if no convergence problems were encountered
eigen 1
set Tc [expr 2*$pi/pow([eigen 1],0.5)]
puts "Tc=$Tc sec"
puts "DonePushover"
################################################################################ Define procedure:
proc rotSpring3DModIKModelBeam_xz:
uniaxialMaterial Bilin $eleID $K $asPos $asNeg $MyPos $MyNeg $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
element zeroLength $eleID $nodeR $nodeC -mat $eleID -dir 6 -orient 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1.
equalDOF $nodeR $nodeC 1 2 3 4 6
proc rotSpring3DModIKModelBeam_yz:
uniaxialMaterial Bilin $eleID $K $asPos $asNeg $MyPos $MyNeg $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
element zeroLength $eleID $nodeR $nodeC -mat $eleID -dir 6 -orient 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 1.
equalDOF $nodeR $nodeC 1 2 3 5 6
proc rotSpring3DModIKModelCol:
uniaxialMaterial Bilin $eleID $K $asPos $asNeg $MyPos $MyNeg $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
element zeroLength $eleID $nodeR $nodeC -mat $eleID -dir 5 -orient 0. 0. 1. 0. 1. 0.
equalDOF $nodeR $nodeC 1 2 3 4 6
proc rotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_xz_n:
set alpha 1.012
uniaxialMaterial Elastic [expr $eleID*10+1] 1.
uniaxialMaterial Elastic [expr $eleID*10+2] 2.e20
element zeroLength $eleID $nodeR $nodeC -mat $eleID [expr $eleID*10+2] [expr $eleID*10+2] [expr $eleID*10+2] [expr $eleID*10+2] [expr $eleID*10+1] -dir 1 2 3 4 5 6 -orient [expr -cos($alpha)] 0. [expr sin($alpha)] [expr cos($alpha)] 0. [expr sin($alpha)]
and as the same way for all brace in xz or yz plane in positive or negative direction...
thank you!
I couldn't find the problem in 3D model unfortunately,In addition I can't see strength degredation in the OPENSEES curve too!
I'll be grateful in the event that anybody can help me!
Here is script for 3D one story model(3X3-bay):
model basic -ndm 3 -ndf 6
file mkdir Record
source RotSpring3DModIKModelBeam_xz.tcl
source RotSpring3DModIKModelBeam_yz.tcl
source rotSpring3DModIKModelCol.tcl
source RotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_xz_p.tcl
source RotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_xz_n.tcl
source RotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_yz_p.tcl
source RotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_yz_n.tcl
node 1000 0. 0. 0.
node 1100 4. 0. 0.
node 1200 8. 0. 0.
node 1300 12. 0. 0.
node 1010 0. 4. 0.
node 1110 4. 4. 0.
node 1210 8. 4. 0.
node 1310 12. 4. 0.
node 1020 0. 8. 0.
node 1120 4. 8. 0.
node 1220 8. 8. 0.
node 1320 12. 8. 0.
node 1030 0. 12. 0.
node 1130 4. 12. 0.
node 1230 8. 12. 0.
node 1330 12. 12. 0.
############## floor 1
node 1001 0. 0. 3.2
node 1101 4. 0. 3.2
node 1201 8. 0. 3.2
node 1301 12. 0. 3.2
node 1011 0. 4. 3.2
node 1111 4. 4. 3.2
node 1211 8. 4. 3.2
node 1311 12. 4. 3.2
node 1021 0. 8. 3.2
node 1121 4. 8. 3.2
node 1221 8. 8. 3.2
node 1321 12. 8. 3.2
node 1031 0. 12. 3.2
node 1131 4. 12. 3.2
node 1231 8. 12. 3.2
node 1331 12. 12. 3.2
node 1731 2. 12. 3.2
node 1801 10. 0. 3.2
node 1081 0. 10. 3.2
node 1371 12. 2. 3.2
####### added node for pinned-joint and plastic hinge of beams
node 2001 0. 0. 3.2
node 3001 0. 0. 3.2
node 2101 4. 0. 3.2
node 3101 4. 0. 3.2
node 4101 4. 0. 3.2
node 2201 8. 0. 3.2
node 3201 8. 0. 3.2
node 4201 8. 0. 3.2
node 3301 12. 0. 3.2
node 4301 12. 0. 3.2
node 2011 0. 4. 3.2
node 3011 0. 4. 3.2
node 5011 0. 4. 3.2
node 2111 4. 4. 3.2
node 3111 4. 4. 3.2
node 4111 4. 4. 3.2
node 5111 4. 4. 3.2
node 2211 8. 4. 3.2
node 3211 8. 4. 3.2
node 4211 8. 4. 3.2
node 5211 8. 4. 3.2
node 3311 12. 4. 3.2
node 4311 12. 4. 3.2
node 5311 12. 4. 3.2
node 2021 0. 8. 3.2
node 3021 0. 8. 3.2
node 5021 0. 8. 3.2
node 2121 4. 8. 3.2
node 3121 4. 8. 3.2
node 4121 4. 8. 3.2
node 5121 4. 8. 3.2
node 2221 8. 8. 3.2
node 3221 8. 8. 3.2
node 4221 8. 8. 3.2
node 5221 8. 8. 3.2
node 3321 12. 8. 3.2
node 4321 12. 8. 3.2
node 5321 12. 8. 3.2
node 2031 0. 12. 3.2
node 5031 0. 12. 3.2
node 2131 4. 12. 3.2
node 4131 4. 12. 3.2
node 5131 4. 12. 3.2
node 2231 8. 12. 3.2
node 4231 8. 12. 3.2
node 5231 8. 12. 3.2
node 4331 12. 12. 3.2
node 5331 12. 12. 3.2
####################### added node for plastic hinge of columns
node 6000 0. 0. 0.
node 7001 0. 0. 3.2
node 6100 4. 0. 0.
node 7101 4. 0. 3.2
node 6010 0. 4. 0.
node 7011 0. 4. 3.2
node 6320 12. 8. 0.
node 7321 12. 8. 3.2
node 6230 8. 12. 0.
node 7231 8. 12. 3.2
node 6330 12. 12. 0.
node 7331 12. 12. 3.2
######## added node for plastic hinge of braces
node 8200 8. 0. 0.
node 9300 12. 0. 0.
node 8030 0. 12. 0.
node 9130 4. 12. 0.
node 8020 0. 8. 0.
node 9030 0. 12. 0.
node 8300 12. 0. 0.
node 9310 12. 4. 0.
node 10801 10. 0. 3.2
node 11801 10. 0. 3.2
node 10731 2. 12. 3.2
node 11731 2. 12. 3.2
node 10081 0. 10. 3.2
node 11081 0. 10. 3.2
node 10371 12. 2. 3.2
node 11371 12. 2. 3.2
fix 1000 1 1 1 1 1 1
fix 1100 1 1 1 1 1 1
fix 1200 1 1 1 0 0 0
fix 1300 1 1 1 0 0 0
fix 1010 1 1 1 1 1 1
fix 1110 1 1 1 0 0 0
fix 1210 1 1 1 0 0 0
fix 1310 1 1 1 0 0 0
fix 1020 1 1 1 0 0 0
fix 1120 1 1 1 0 0 0
fix 1220 1 1 1 0 0 0
fix 1320 1 1 1 1 1 1
fix 1030 1 1 1 0 0 0
fix 1130 1 1 1 0 0 0
fix 1230 1 1 1 1 1 1
fix 1330 1 1 1 1 1 1
########################################### pinned joint
equalDOF 1101 2101 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1101 3101 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1201 2201 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1201 3201 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1201 4201 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1301 3301 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1301 4301 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1011 2011 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1011 3011 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1111 2111 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1111 3111 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1111 4111 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1111 5111 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1211 2211 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1211 3211 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1211 4211 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1211 5211 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1311 3311 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1311 4311 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1311 5311 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1021 2021 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1021 3021 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1021 5021 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1121 2121 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1121 3121 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1121 4121 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1121 5121 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1221 2221 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1221 3221 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1221 4221 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1221 5221 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1321 4321 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1321 5321 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1031 2031 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1031 5031 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1131 2131 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1131 4131 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1131 5131 1 2 3 5 6
equalDOF 1231 4231 1 2 3 4 6
equalDOF 1231 5231 1 2 3 5 6
node 1991 6. 6. 3.2
#all main nodes with slave node of chevron
rigidDiaphragm 3 1991 1001 1101 1201 1301 1011 1111 1211 1311 1021 1121 1221 1321 1031 1131 1231 1331 1731 1801 1371 1081 1111 1211 1121 1221 10801 11801 10731 11731 10081 11081 10371 11371
fix 1991 0 0 1 1 1 0
mass 1991 208126.61 208126.61 1.e-9 1.e-9 1.e-9 1.e-9
set geomTransf_Beam_x 1
set geomTransf_Beam_y 2
set geomTransf_Column 3
set geomTransf_Brace_p_x 4
set geomTransf_Brace_n_x 5
set geomTransf_Brace_p_y 6
set geomTransf_Brace_n_y 7
geomTransf Linear $geomTransf_Beam_x 0. -1. 0.
geomTransf Linear $geomTransf_Beam_y 1. 0. 0.
geomTransf PDelta $geomTransf_Column -1. 0. 0.
geomTransf Linear $geomTransf_Brace_p_x 0. -1 0
geomTransf Linear $geomTransf_Brace_n_x 0 1 0
geomTransf Linear $geomTransf_Brace_p_y 1 0 0
geomTransf Linear $geomTransf_Brace_n_y -1 0 0
############################## BEAM
set n 10.0;
####IPE 270-x
element elasticBeamColumn 10011 2001 4101 0.00459 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.590e-7 [expr 4.2e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.790e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 1
element elasticBeamColumn 10111 2011 4111 0.00459 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.590e-7 [expr 4.2e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.790e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 1
element elasticBeamColumn 11111 2111 4211 0.00459 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.590e-7 [expr 4.2e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.790e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 1
element elasticBeamColumn 12111 2211 4311 0.00459 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.590e-7 [expr 4.2e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.790e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 1
element elasticBeamColumn 10211 2021 4121 0.00459 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.590e-7 [expr 4.2e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.790e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 1
element elasticBeamColumn 11211 2121 4221 0.00459 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.590e-7 [expr 4.2e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.790e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 1
element elasticBeamColumn 12211 2221 4321 0.00459 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.590e-7 [expr 4.2e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.790e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 1
element elasticBeamColumn 12311 2231 4331 0.00459 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.590e-7 [expr 4.2e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.790e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 1
####IPE 270-y
element elasticBeamColumn 10012 3001 5011 0.00459 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.590e-7 [expr 4.2e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.790e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 2
element elasticBeamColumn 11012 3101 5111 0.00459 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.590e-7 [expr 4.2e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.790e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 2
element elasticBeamColumn 11112 3111 5121 0.00459 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.590e-7 [expr 4.2e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.790e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 2
element elasticBeamColumn 11212 3121 5131 0.00459 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.590e-7 [expr 4.2e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.790e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 2
element elasticBeamColumn 12012 3201 5211 0.00459 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.590e-7 [expr 4.2e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.790e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 2
element elasticBeamColumn 12112 3211 5221 0.00459 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.590e-7 [expr 4.2e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.790e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 2
element elasticBeamColumn 12212 3221 5231 0.00459 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.590e-7 [expr 4.2e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.790e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 2
element elasticBeamColumn 13212 3321 5331 0.00459 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.590e-7 [expr 4.2e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.790e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 2
element elasticBeamColumn 11011 2101 4201 0.003340 2.1e11 8.1e10 9.030e-8 [expr 2.050e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 2.772e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 1
element elasticBeamColumn 11311 2131 4231 0.003340 2.1e11 8.1e10 9.030e-8 [expr 2.050e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 2.772e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 1
####IPE 220-y
element elasticBeamColumn 10112 3011 5021 0.003340 2.1e11 8.1e10 9.030e-8 [expr 2.050e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 2.772e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 2
element elasticBeamColumn 13112 3311 5321 0.003340 2.1e11 8.1e10 9.030e-8 [expr 2.050e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 2.772e-5*($n+1.)/$n] 2
element elasticBeamColumn 12011 2201 1801 0.0248 2.1e11 8.1e10 6.203e-6 [expr 1.352e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 6.829e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 1
element elasticBeamColumn 18011 1801 4301 0.0248 2.1e11 8.1e10 6.203e-6 [expr 1.352e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 6.829e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 1
element elasticBeamColumn 10311 2031 1731 0.0248 2.1e11 8.1e10 6.203e-6 [expr 1.352e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 6.829e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 1
element elasticBeamColumn 17311 1731 4131 0.0248 2.1e11 8.1e10 6.203e-6 [expr 1.352e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 6.829e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 1
element elasticBeamColumn 10212 3021 1081 0.0248 2.1e11 8.1e10 6.203e-6 [expr 1.352e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 6.829e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 2
element elasticBeamColumn 10812 1081 5031 0.0248 2.1e11 8.1e10 6.203e-6 [expr 1.352e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 6.829e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 2
element elasticBeamColumn 13012 3301 1371 0.0248 2.1e11 8.1e10 6.203e-6 [expr 1.352e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 6.829e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 2
element elasticBeamColumn 13712 1371 5311 0.0248 2.1e11 8.1e10 6.203e-6 [expr 1.352e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 6.829e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 2
##### box 300x40
element elasticBeamColumn 10003 6000 7001 0.0416 2.1e11 8.1e10 7.030e-4 [expr 4.79e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 4.79e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 3
element elasticBeamColumn 11003 6100 7101 0.0416 2.1e11 8.1e10 7.030e-4 [expr 4.79e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 4.79e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 3
element elasticBeamColumn 10103 6010 7011 0.0416 2.1e11 8.1e10 7.030e-4 [expr 4.79e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 4.79e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 3
element elasticBeamColumn 13203 6320 7321 0.0416 2.1e11 8.1e10 7.030e-4 [expr 4.79e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 4.79e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 3
element elasticBeamColumn 12303 6230 7231 0.0416 2.1e11 8.1e10 7.030e-4 [expr 4.79e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 4.79e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 3
element elasticBeamColumn 13303 6330 7331 0.0416 2.1e11 8.1e10 7.030e-4 [expr 4.79e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 4.79e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 3
##### box 340x25
element elasticBeamColumn 12003 1200 1201 0.0315 2.1e11 8.1e10 7.814e-4 [expr 5.242e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.242e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 3
element elasticBeamColumn 13003 1300 1301 0.0315 2.1e11 8.1e10 7.814e-4 [expr 5.242e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.242e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 3
element elasticBeamColumn 13103 1310 1311 0.0315 2.1e11 8.1e10 7.814e-4 [expr 5.242e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.242e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 3
element elasticBeamColumn 10203 1020 1021 0.0315 2.1e11 8.1e10 7.814e-4 [expr 5.242e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.242e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 3
element elasticBeamColumn 10303 1030 1031 0.0315 2.1e11 8.1e10 7.814e-4 [expr 5.242e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.242e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 3
element elasticBeamColumn 11303 1130 1131 0.0315 2.1e11 8.1e10 7.814e-4 [expr 5.242e-4*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 5.242e-4*($n+1.)/$n] 3
##### box 900x10
element elasticBeamColumn 11103 1110 1111 3.2e-3 2.1e11 8.1e10 5.120e-6 [expr 3.467e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 3.467e-6*($n+1.)/$n] 3
element elasticBeamColumn 12103 1210 1211 3.2e-3 2.1e11 8.1e10 5.120e-6 [expr 3.467e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 3.467e-6*($n+1.)/$n] 3
element elasticBeamColumn 11203 1120 1121 3.2e-3 2.1e11 8.1e10 5.120e-6 [expr 3.467e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 3.467e-6*($n+1.)/$n] 3
element elasticBeamColumn 12203 1220 1221 3.2e-3 2.1e11 8.1e10 5.120e-6 [expr 3.467e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 3.467e-6*($n+1.)/$n] 3
element elasticBeamColumn 12004 8200 10801 1.984e-3 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.907e-6 [expr 1.292e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 1.292e-6*($n+1.)/$n] 4
element elasticBeamColumn 13005 9300 11801 1.984e-3 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.907e-6 [expr 1.292e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 1.292e-6*($n+1.)/$n] 5
element elasticBeamColumn 10304 8030 10731 1.984e-3 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.907e-6 [expr 1.292e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 1.292e-6*($n+1.)/$n] 4
element elasticBeamColumn 11305 9130 11731 1.984e-3 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.907e-6 [expr 1.292e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 1.292e-6*($n+1.)/$n] 5
element elasticBeamColumn 10204 8020 10081 1.984e-3 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.907e-6 [expr 1.292e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 1.292e-6*($n+1.)/$n] 6
element elasticBeamColumn 10305 9030 11081 1.984e-3 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.907e-6 [expr 1.292e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 1.292e-6*($n+1.)/$n] 7
element elasticBeamColumn 13004 8300 10371 1.984e-3 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.907e-6 [expr 1.292e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 1.292e-6*($n+1.)/$n] 6
element elasticBeamColumn 13105 9310 11371 1.984e-3 2.1e11 8.1e10 1.907e-6 [expr 1.292e-6*($n+1.)/$n] [expr 1.292e-6*($n+1.)/$n] 7
# define material properties
set Es 2.1e11;
set Acol 0.0416;
set Icol 4.798e-4;
set Mycol 1157721.6;
set Abeam 0.00459 ;
set Ibeam 5.790e-5;
set Mybeam 145200.;
set Abrace 1.984e-3;
set Ibrace 1.292e-6;
set P_comp 166598.;
set P_ten 13914.;
set n 10.0;
set Icol_mod [expr $Icol*($n+1.0)/$n];
set Ibeam_mod [expr $Ibeam*($n+1.0)/$n];
set Ibrace_mod [expr $Ibrace*($n+1.0)/$n]
set Ks_col [expr $n*6.0*$Es*$Icol_mod/3.2];
set Ks_beam [expr $n*6.0*$Es*$Ibeam_mod/4.];
set Ks_brace [expr $n*6.0*$Es*$Ibrace_mod/3.77];
################## Define Rotational Springs for Plastic Hinges
set McMy 1.27;
set LS 1000.0;
set LK 1000.0;
set LA 1000.0;
set LD 1000.0;
set cS 1.0;
set cK 1.0;
set cA 1.0;
set cD 1.0;
set th_pP 0.0416;
set th_pN 0.0416;
set th_pcP 0.0104;
set th_pcN 0.0104;
set ResP 0.6;
set ResN 0.6;
set th_uP 0.0572;
set th_uN 0.0572;
set DP 1.0;
set DN 1.0;
set a_mem [expr ($n+1.0)*($Mycol*($McMy-1.0)) / ($Ks_col*$th_pP)];
set b [expr ($a_mem)/(1.0+$n*(1.0-$a_mem))];
rotSpring3DModIKModelCol 10006 1000 6000 $Ks_col $b $b $Mycol [expr -$Mycol] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelCol 10016 1001 7001 $Ks_col $b $b $Mycol [expr -$Mycol] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelCol 11006 1100 6100 $Ks_col $b $b $Mycol [expr -$Mycol] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelCol 11016 1101 7101 $Ks_col $b $b $Mycol [expr -$Mycol] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelCol 10106 1010 6010 $Ks_col $b $b $Mycol [expr -$Mycol] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelCol 10116 1011 7011 $Ks_col $b $b $Mycol [expr -$Mycol] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelCol 13206 1320 6320 $Ks_col $b $b $Mycol [expr -$Mycol] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelCol 13216 1321 7321 $Ks_col $b $b $Mycol [expr -$Mycol] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelCol 12306 1230 6230 $Ks_col $b $b $Mycol [expr -$Mycol] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelCol 12316 1231 7231 $Ks_col $b $b $Mycol [expr -$Mycol] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelCol 13306 1330 6330 $Ks_col $b $b $Mycol [expr -$Mycol] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelCol 13316 1331 7331 $Ks_col $b $b $Mycol [expr -$Mycol] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
########### BEAM
set th_pP 0.064;
set th_pN 0.064;
set th_pcP 0.016;
set th_pcN 0.016;
set ResP 0.6;
set ResN 0.6;
set th_uP 0.088;
set th_uN 0.088;
set a_mem [expr ($n+1.0)*($Mybeam*($McMy-1.0)) / ($Ks_beam*$th_pP)];
set b [expr ($a_mem)/(1.0+$n*(1.0-$a_mem))];
rotSpring3DModIKModelBeam_xz 10018 1001 2001 $Ks_beam $b $b $Mybeam [expr -$Mybeam] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBeam_xz 110110 1101 4101 $Ks_beam $b $b $Mybeam [expr -$Mybeam] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBeam_xz 12318 1231 2231 $Ks_beam $b $b $Mybeam [expr -$Mybeam] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBeam_xz 133110 1331 4331 $Ks_beam $b $b $Mybeam [expr -$Mybeam] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBeam_yz 10019 1001 3001 $Ks_beam $b $b $Mybeam [expr -$Mybeam] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBeam_yz 101111 1011 5011 $Ks_beam $b $b $Mybeam [expr -$Mybeam] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBeam_yz 13219 1321 3321 $Ks_beam $b $b $Mybeam [expr -$Mybeam] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBeam_yz 133111 1331 5331 $Ks_beam $b $b $Mybeam [expr -$Mybeam] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
# define tension brace springs
set PcPy 1.33;
set th_pP 0.00125;
set th_pN 0.00125;
set th_pcP 0.000375;
set th_pcN 0.000375;
set ResP 0.8;
set ResN 0.8;
set th_uP 0.00175;
set th_uN 0.00175;
set a_mem [expr ($n+1.0)*($P_ten *($PcPy-1.0)) / ($Ks_brace *$th_pP)];
set b [expr ($a_mem)/(1.0+$n*(1.0-$a_mem))];
#brace springs
rotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_xz_p 12008 1200 8200 $Ks_brace $b $b $P_ten [expr -$P_ten ] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_xz_p 18018 1801 10801 $Ks_brace $b $b $P_ten [expr -$P_ten ] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_xz_p 10308 1030 8030 $Ks_brace $b $b $P_ten [expr -$P_ten ] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_xz_p 17318 1731 10731 $Ks_brace $b $b $P_ten [expr -$P_ten ] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_yz_p 10208 1020 8020 $Ks_brace $b $b $P_ten [expr -$P_ten ] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_yz_p 10818 1081 10081 $Ks_brace $b $b $P_ten [expr -$P_ten ] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_yz_p 13008 1300 8300 $Ks_brace $b $b $P_ten [expr -$P_ten ] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_yz_p 13718 1371 10371 $Ks_brace $b $b $P_ten [expr -$P_ten ] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
# define compression brace springs
set PcPy 1.015;
set th_pP -0.00075;
set th_pN -0.00075;
set th_pcP 0.01275;
set th_pcN 0.01275;
set ResP 0.3;
set ResN 0.3;
set th_uP 0.0135;
set th_uN 0.0135;
set a_mem [expr ($n+1.0)*($P_comp*($PcPy-1.0)) / ($Ks_brace*$th_pP)];
set b [expr ($a_mem)/(1.0+$n*(1.0-$a_mem))];
#brace springs
rotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_xz_n 13009 1300 9300 $Ks_brace $b $b $P_comp [expr -$P_comp ] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_xz_n 18019 1801 11801 $Ks_brace $b $b $P_comp [expr -$P_comp ] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_xz_n 11309 1130 9130 $Ks_brace $b $b $P_comp [expr -$P_comp ] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_xz_n 17319 1731 11731 $Ks_brace $b $b $P_comp [expr -$P_comp ] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_yz_n 10309 1030 9030 $Ks_brace $b $b $P_comp [expr -$P_comp ] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_yz_n 10819 1081 11081 $Ks_brace $b $b $P_comp [expr -$P_comp ] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_yz_n 13109 1310 9310 $Ks_brace $b $b $P_comp [expr -$P_comp ] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
rotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_yz_n 13719 1371 11371 $Ks_brace $b $b $P_comp [expr -$P_comp ] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
puts "model done!"
set pi [expr 2*asin(1)]
eigen 1
set Tm [expr 2*$pi/pow([eigen 1],0.5)]
puts "Tm=$Tm sec"
# gravity load_______1.1(D+L)
pattern Plain 1 Linear {
load 1991 0. 0. -530. 0. 0. 0.
constraints Transformation
numberer RCM
system UmfPack -lValueFact 90
test NormDispIncr 1.e-2 1000
algorithm Newton
integrator LoadControl 0.1
analysis Static
analyze 10
loadConst -time 0.0
eigen 1
set Tg [expr 2*$pi/pow([eigen 1],0.5)]
puts "Tg=$Tg sec"
puts "gravity done!"
###################### Push Analysis
recorder Node -file Record/node1991disp2.out -time -node 1991 -dof 1 2 3 4 5 6 disp
recorder Node -file Record/Vbase2.out -time -node 6000 6100 8200 9300 8300 6010 1110 1210 9310 8020 1120 1220 6320 8030 9030 9130 6230 6330 -dof 1 reaction
pattern Plain 2 Linear {
load 1991 100. 30. 0. 0. 0. 0.
set IDctrlNode 1991
set IDctrlDOF 1
set Dmax 0.3
set Dincr .0001
constraints Transformation
numberer RCM
system BandGeneral
set Tol 1.e-2
set maxNumIter 1000
set printFlag 0
set TestType NormDispIncr
test $TestType $Tol $maxNumIter $printFlag
set algorithmType KrylovNewton
algorithm $algorithmType
integrator DisplacementControl $IDctrlNode $IDctrlDOF $Dincr
analysis Static
puts "running push...model_1chevron"
set Nsteps [expr int($Dmax/$Dincr)]; # number of pushover analysis steps
set ok [analyze $Nsteps]; # this will return zero if no convergence problems were encountered
eigen 1
set Tc [expr 2*$pi/pow([eigen 1],0.5)]
puts "Tc=$Tc sec"
puts "DonePushover"
################################################################################ Define procedure:
proc rotSpring3DModIKModelBeam_xz:
uniaxialMaterial Bilin $eleID $K $asPos $asNeg $MyPos $MyNeg $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
element zeroLength $eleID $nodeR $nodeC -mat $eleID -dir 6 -orient 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1.
equalDOF $nodeR $nodeC 1 2 3 4 6
proc rotSpring3DModIKModelBeam_yz:
uniaxialMaterial Bilin $eleID $K $asPos $asNeg $MyPos $MyNeg $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
element zeroLength $eleID $nodeR $nodeC -mat $eleID -dir 6 -orient 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 1.
equalDOF $nodeR $nodeC 1 2 3 5 6
proc rotSpring3DModIKModelCol:
uniaxialMaterial Bilin $eleID $K $asPos $asNeg $MyPos $MyNeg $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pP $th_pN $th_pcP $th_pcN $ResP $ResN $th_uP $th_uN $DP $DN;
element zeroLength $eleID $nodeR $nodeC -mat $eleID -dir 5 -orient 0. 0. 1. 0. 1. 0.
equalDOF $nodeR $nodeC 1 2 3 4 6
proc rotSpring3DModIKModelBrace_xz_n:
set alpha 1.012
uniaxialMaterial Elastic [expr $eleID*10+1] 1.
uniaxialMaterial Elastic [expr $eleID*10+2] 2.e20
element zeroLength $eleID $nodeR $nodeC -mat $eleID [expr $eleID*10+2] [expr $eleID*10+2] [expr $eleID*10+2] [expr $eleID*10+2] [expr $eleID*10+1] -dir 1 2 3 4 5 6 -orient [expr -cos($alpha)] 0. [expr sin($alpha)] [expr cos($alpha)] 0. [expr sin($alpha)]
and as the same way for all brace in xz or yz plane in positive or negative direction...
thank you!
- Posts: 917
- Joined: Mon Sep 09, 2013 8:50 pm
- Location: University of California, Berkeley
Re: Different behavior in sap2000 and opensees model
Could you upload your pushover curves from SAP2000 and OpenSees in google drive? We need to see what is the difference.
Re: Different behavior in sap2000 and opensees model
Finally,I obtained this curves after checking record and rigidDIiaphragm... in the one-story model:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxSrrh ... sp=sharing
but in 5-story model,the Opensees curve is too bad:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxSrrh ... sp=sharing
Do you have any suggestion?
thank you so much.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxSrrh ... sp=sharing
but in 5-story model,the Opensees curve is too bad:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxSrrh ... sp=sharing
Do you have any suggestion?
thank you so much.