Parameter study

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Parameter study

Post by CHANDANA »


I was trying to study the example parameter study using parallel processing given in the site.But, i was not able to access the file peerRecords.txt. I kindly request for your help to learn about this example.

Chandana M
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Re: Parameter study

Post by fmk »

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Re: Parameter study

Post by CHANDANA »

Thank you sir
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Re: Parameter study

Post by CHANDANA »


I tried an analysis of a different 2D frame with the help of the parametric study example and the program was run using just two input ground motion file. But, i obtained the same result for both the input motion.

The program file is as below:
set pid [getPID]
set Np [getNP]
set recordsFileID [open "peerRecord.txt" r]
set count 0;

source ReadRecord.tcl

set tStart [clock clicks -milliseconds]

foreach gMotion [split [read $recordsFileID] \n] {
if {[expr $count % $Np] == $pid} {

source model.tcl
source analysis.tcl

set ok [doGravity]

loadConst -time 0.0

if {$ok == 0} {
set gMotionList [split $gMotion "/"]

set gMotionDir [lindex $gMotionList end-1]

set gMotionNameInclAT2 [lindex $gMotionList end]

set gMotionName [string range $gMotionNameInclAT2 0 end-4 ]

ReadRecord ./$gMotionDir$gMotionName.AT2 ./$gMotionDir$gMotionName.dat dT nPts

set Gaccel "Series -dt $dT -file $gMotionDir$gMotionName.AT2 -factor 1";

pattern UniformExcitation 2 1 -accel $Gaccel;

if {$nPts != 0} {

recorder Node -file $gMotionDir$gMotionName.out -node 3 4 -dof 1 disp

doDynamic [expr $dT*$nPts] $dT

if {$ok == 0} {
puts "$gMotionDir $gMotionName OK"
} else {
puts "$gMotionDir $gMotionName FAILED"

} else {
puts "$gMotion - NO RECORD"

incr count 1;
set tEnd [clock clicks -milliseconds]
set duration [expr $tEnd-$tStart]

puts "Duration $duration"
I kindly request for your help to solve this.

Chandana M
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