Problems with Soil Material Commands

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Problems with Soil Material Commands

Post by lindaatik »

Hi Frank/Sylvia,

There are problems with some of the commands for the PressureDependMultiYield Material that was developed at UCSD.
The "updateParameter" command does not work at all as specified in the manual. The "Backbone" recorder does not work properly. It gives a file output that is very different that what is described in the manual and it's not clear what this file output means.
I heard that these commands were working in previous OpenSees versions but are not working in the newest one. I contacted the developers and there isn't anything wrong with the way I am using them. So, can you please let me know what's wrong? Are they not programmed according to what's specified in the manual?

I need to use these commands and I would appreciate your help.

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Post by bayram_aygun »

I think there is no more "updateParameter" command anymore, instead you use something like below:

updateMaterials -material 1003 bulkModulus 19.333

I emailed Frank today about the "update" command which doesn't seem to be working in v2.0.0. I think in the following days he will tell the community about the progress on that.
Bayram Aygun
Graduate Student, Civil&Env. Eng.
Rice University
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Post by amin_asareh »

Yes. You are right about the old versions of OpenSEES. The ucsd materials only work properly in the old version (1.7.1) of opensees, and in the new versions the output files are 0Kb. I've written a code that includes update material stage and I think it might help you.

#plane strain, shear-beam type mesh with single material,
#dynamic analysis, SI units (m, s, KN, ton)
#input motion may be from a file, or a sinusoidal wave.
#some user defined variables
set matOpt 2 ;# 1 = drained, pressure depend; 2 = undrained, pressure depend;
;# 3 = undrained, pressure independ; 4 = elastic
set mass 2.0 ;# saturated mass density
set fmass 1.0 ;# fluid mass density
set G 6.e4 ;
set B 2.4e5 ;
set press 0. ;# isotropic consolidation pressure on quad element(s)
set accMul 2. ;# acc. multiplier (m/s/s)
set accNam myACC ;# acc. file name if imposed motion is read from file
set accDt 0.0166 ;# dt for input acc.
set loadBias .07 ;# Static shear load, in percentage of gravity load (=sin(inclination))
set period 1.0 ;# Period if imposed motion is Sine wave
set deltaT 0.01 ;# time step for analysis, does not have to be the same as accDt.
set numSteps 2000 ;# number of time steps
set gamma 0.6 ;# Newmark integration parameter

set massProportionalDamping 0.0 ;
set InitStiffnessProportionalDamping 0.002;

set numXele 1 ;# number of elements in x (H) direction
set numYele 10 ;# number of elements in y (V) direction
set xSize 1.0 ;# x direction element size
set ySize 1.0 ;# y direction element size


#create the ModelBuilder
model basic -ndm 2 -ndf 2

# define material and properties
switch $matOpt {
1 {
nDMaterial PressureDependMultiYield 1 2 $mass $G $B 31.4 .1 80 0.5 \
26.5 0.17 0.4 10 10 0.015 1.0
updateMaterialStage -material 1 -stage 0

set gravY [expr -9.81*$mass] ;#gravity
set gravX [expr -$gravY*$loadBias]
2 {
nDMaterial PressureDependMultiYield 1 2 $mass $G $B 31.4 .1 80 0.5 \
26.5 0.17 0.4 10 10 0.015 1.0
nDMaterial FluidSolidPorous 2 2 1 2.2e6

updateMaterialStage -material 1 -stage 0
updateMaterialStage -material 2 -stage 0

set gravY [expr -9.81*($mass-$fmass)] ;# buoyant unit weight
set gravX [expr -$gravY*$loadBias]
3 {
nDMaterial PressureIndependMultiYield 1 2 $mass 4.e4 2.e5 20 .1
nDMaterial FluidSolidPorous 3 2 1 2.2e6

updateMaterialStage -material 1 -stage 0
updateMaterialStage -material 3 -stage 0

set gravY [expr -9.81*($mass-fmass)] ;# buoyant unit weight
set gravX [expr -$gravY*$loadBias]
4 {
nDMaterial ElasticIsotropic 4 2000 0.3 $mass
set gravY [expr -9.81*$mass] ;#gravity
set gravX [expr -$gravY*$loadBias]

# define the nodes
set numXnode [expr $numXele+1]
set numYnode [expr $numYele+1]

for {set i 1} {$i <= $numXnode} {incr i 1} {
for {set j 1} {$j <= $numYnode} {incr j 1} {
set xdim [expr ($i-1)*$xSize]
set ydim [expr ($j-1)*$ySize]
set nodeNum [expr $i + ($j-1)*$numXnode]
node $nodeNum $xdim $ydim

# define elements
for {set i 1} {$i <= $numXele} {incr i 1} {
for {set j 1} {$j <= $numYele} {incr j 1} {
set eleNum [expr $i + ($j-1)*$numXele]
set n1 [expr $i + ($j-1)*$numXnode]
set n2 [expr $i + ($j-1)*$numXnode + 1]
set n4 [expr $i + $j*$numXnode + 1]
set n3 [expr $i + $j*$numXnode]
# thick material maTag press massDen gravity
element quad $eleNum $n1 $n2 $n4 $n3 1.0 "PlaneStrain" $matOpt $press 0. $gravX $gravY

# fix the base
for {set i 1} {$i <= $numXnode} {incr i 1} {
fix $i 1 1

# tie two lateral sides
for {set i 1} {$i < $numYnode} {incr i 1} {
set nodeNum1 [expr $i*$numXnode + 1]
set nodeNum2 [expr ($i+1)*$numXnode]
equalDOF $nodeNum1 $nodeNum2 1 2

# GRAVITY APPLICATION (elastic behavior)

# create the SOE, ConstraintHandler, Integrator, Algorithm and Numberer
system ProfileSPD
test NormDispIncr 1.e-5 10 0
algorithm ModifiedNewton
constraints Transformation
integrator LoadControl 1 1 1 1
numberer RCM

# create the Analysis
analysis Static

analyze 2

# switch material stage from elastic (gravity) to plastic
switch $matOpt {
1 {
updateMaterialStage -material 1 -stage 1
updateParameter -material 1 -refB [expr $G*2/3.]
2 {
updateMaterialStage -material 1 -stage 1
updateMaterialStage -material 2 -stage 1
updateParameter -material 1 -refB [expr $G*2/3.]
3 {
updateMaterialStage -material 1 -stage 1
updateMaterialStage -material 3 -stage 1
4 ;# do nothing


# rezero time
setTime 0.0

#Sinusoidal motion, comment next line if using input motion file
pattern UniformExcitation 1 1 -accel "Sine 0 10 $period -factor $accMul"

#decomment next line if using input motion file
#pattern UniformExcitation 1 1 -accel "Series -factor $accMul -filePath $accNam -dt $accDt"

#recorder for nodal displacement along the vertical center line.
set nodeList {}
for {set i 0} {$i < $numYnode} {incr i 1} {
lappend nodeList [expr $numXnode/2 + $i*$numXnode]
eval "recorder Node -file disp -time -node $nodeList -dof 1 2 -dT $deltaT disp"
eval "recorder Node -file acc -time -node $nodeList -dof 1 2 -dT $deltaT accel"

#recorder for element output along the vertical center line.
set name1 "stress"; set name2 "strain"; set name3 "press"
for {set i 1} {$i < $numYnode} {incr i 1} {
set ele [expr $numXele-$numXele/2+($i-1)*$numXele]
set name11 [join [list $name1 $i] {}]
set name22 [join [list $name2 $i] {}]
set name33 [join [list $name3 $i] {}]
recorder Element $ele -time -file $name11 material 1 stress
recorder Element $ele -time -file $name22 material 1 strain
if { $matOpt == 2 || $matOpt == 3 } { ;#excess pore pressure ouput
recorder Element $ele -time -file $name33 material 1 pressure
recorder display General..Configuration 5 5 500 500 -wipe
prp 0 0 1000
vup 0 1 0
display 1 0 100
constraints Transformation
test NormDispIncr 1.e-4 10 0
numberer RCM
algorithm Newton
system ProfileSPD
integrator Newmark $gamma [expr pow($gamma+0.5, 2)/4] \
$massProportionalDamping 0.0 $InitStiffnessProportionalDamping 0.0
analysis VariableTransient

set startT [clock seconds]
analyze $numSteps $deltaT [expr $deltaT/100] $deltaT 5
set endT [clock seconds]
puts "Execution time: [expr $endT-$startT] seconds."

wipe #flush ouput stream
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Joined: Sat May 05, 2007 12:28 pm
Location: Houston, TX

Post by bayram_aygun »


I was checking the code below and I came across this line:

#excess pore pressure ouput
recorder Element $ele -time -file $name33 material 1 pressure

There -material 1 is the PDMY material which makes up the quad element. When I try to measure the pressure in the quad element of my code I get a constant pressure value in time. It doesn't fluctuate.

Why do you think that happens?

Bayram Aygun
Graduate Student, Civil&Env. Eng.
Rice University
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