Hi Everyone,
I am trying to use the command explained below which is from OpenSees command manual for the expansion joint in between a bridge. What is E and Fy for . Is it for concrete material that is used for deck?
This command is used to construct an elastic perfectly-plastic gap uniaxial material object.
uniaxialMaterial ElasticPPGap $matTag $E $Fy $gap <$eta> <damage>
$matTag unique material object integer tag
$E tangent stiffness
$Fy stress or force at which material reaches plastic state
$gap initial gap (strain or deformation)
$eta hardening ratio (=Eh/E), which can be negative
damage a switch to accumulate damage in the material. If damage is
omitted, default value, the gap material "re-centers" on load
Command for gap material problem
Moderators: silvia, selimgunay, Moderators
Re: Command for gap material problem
Does anyone has an example of model that uses this command? Please share your experience and idea.
Thank you
Thank you
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Re: Command for gap material problem

Re: Command for gap material problem
i have same reference material,if you need it ,please send e-mail to shenxian6586@126.com.